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Khushi Kumari Gupta.. The bride of Raizada.. Precisely Akash's future wife.
The most beautiful woman he ever seen, a mere infatuation.. Then is he affected by her presence?

He couldn’t fall asleep, tomorrow is her wedding. Then she would in the same house as him.. As his sister in law..
He got goosebumps all over his body..

While he is bothered, Akash and Khushi are happy and nervous at same time..

"Listen buddy! Watch me carefully! You need overcome the fear of height or else.. You are gonna die in hands TOMORROW! YOU HAVE TO BE BRAVE. OR ELSE THEY WILL GET US MARRIED! AND I WILL KILL YOU! " She threaten him as she use rope to climb down from the window. Showing Akash a demo...

After getting down she waved him a goodbye, "Good Night my BUDDY! I WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH! LOVE YOU!" She blow him a kiss, saw his fearful expression. She turned saw Arnav standing there in shock.

She gulped and said. "Hi.. Bye..." She ran for her life in embarrassment..

Arnav looked up at his brother in a utter disappointment. They are getting married tomorrow, can't they wait a little longer?

He looked at Akash in envy.. If it's wasn't for his dark past.. He would have been the one getting married to her.. Instead..

He clenched his fist, no... They both love each other.. So much that they met up like this...


But that thought didn't last the next day.. When he saw an empty room with a letter from Akash.

"Sorry for not telling you all about this but.. Sorry I am in love with someone.. We are going get marry.. Once again sorry.."

Arnav tore the letter in anger! "Akash.. You two timing BASTARD!"

He looked at Akash's wedding attire in silence.. He wore it..

On other hand..

Khushi is ready, wearing her wedding attire.. She is biting her nails in nervous.. Did her buddy succeed? Why can't she reach his or Payal's number?

Did he chickened out? No way... She with Akash.. No way!

They planned everything perfectly..

When Arnav rejected her, they pushed towards Akash.. She didn't have a reason to reject him, he is such a loving soul! Then only she come to know

But was dragged away by Garima and Anjali to mandap anyway.. She got shock of her life seeing her groom didn't escape the marriage yet?

His face was covered with flowers..

"Buddy..." She wanted to talk him badly..

"Khushi shut up!" Garima scold her and told her to concentrate.

"..." Khushi clutching her dupatta hard in anger..


It's all over.... She is married to Akash Singh Raizada.. What is she going to answer to Payal Pansare, Akash's girlfriend?

She promised to get them together no matter what..

She looked at her mangalsutra in confusion, her eyes were searching for that one person in middle of the crowd.

Her Arnavji... He is nowhere..

After all the guest took leave, Akash finally took his turban off revealed his true face.

Khushi froze seeing her groom wasn't actually Akash but her Arnavji... She started to crying.... Everyone was really shocked to see Arnav. "If the groom is Arnav.. Then where is Akash?" That what was running on everyone's mind right that moment.

"Akash ran away. I took his place.. I'm sorry for deceiving everyone." Said Arnav,he saw how devastated Khushi is by Akash's betrayal.

Khushi felt relieved hearing that yet she pretend to be sad, inside she is happy that she is married to her secret crush!

She looked at Arnav in tears, but he married her for sake of saving his family's name.

Arnav spoke up, "This marriage is done, I hope you accept this marriage.."

Meanwhile his family members couldn't believe two important fact..

1. The well-behaved Akash ran away, humiliating them.

2. Notorious ASR IS MARRIED, to KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA, the very same girl that he rejected months ago.

Khushi is in turmoil.. Her Arnavji married her to protect his family's honor, is it OK to take an advantage of him?

Arnav felt her hesitation, his heart thudding hard.. What her answer will be?

At same time Akash and Payal reached there, wearing garland.. They are married. Khushi panicked seeing them here, they planned to escape for a month, why did they come back now? What changed their mind? Their family gonna kill Akash...

Payal looked at Akash's family in fear, as tradition girl she is.. She was the one suggested Akash that they start their life with elders blessings and brought him back home as soon as they got married.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS MANORAMA!" Garima shout in anger seeing her daughter gets cheated by Akash.

"Wait.. Akash.. What is this? Who is this girl?" Mano couldn't believe her well-mannered son did this. Disbelief written all over her face.

"MOM.. She is Payal Pansare, The girl I loved. Khushi just a friend mom.." His words cutted off by Manorama's slap. Payal gasped.

"SHUT UP! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT BEFORE? WHAT ABOUT KHUSHI BITIYA?" His mom is on fire, by her only son's betrayal.

"Maa.. I am sorry.." Akash said, then nod no at Khushi, he doesn't want her to face family's wrath.. This is his love, he will fight for it.

Khushi was about to step in and explain that it was her plan.. She stopped seeing Akash's face.

Akash didn't want her to be hated by the family.. She wiped her tears, she can't let her buddy in trouble alone.

"What do you mean by that Akash? Today you have betrayed Khushi by marrying someone else while she is waiting for you at the alter!" Anjali also blamed Akash.

Nani also spoke, "You're not my Grandson anymore, you almost destroyed an innocent girl's life for own selfish reasons!"

"STOP! EVERYONE JUST STOP..." Khushi can't take it anymore.

They all looked at her in pity, Arnav also felt bad for her.

"You all can see na? I'm now married to Arnavji, you all wanted me as your family's bahu. Now I am! So please don't blame Akash.. If he loves Payal then he should be with Payal. If you all thinking of disown him for my sake.. I.. I also can't accept this marriage with Arnavji... "She said clutching her Lehenga..

Arnav looked at her stunned, she willing to sacrifice anything for Akash? Just how much she loved Akash to take this decision?

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think about this chapter... See you soon in next chapter..

ARSHI: MEETING YOU AT A WRONG TIME (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now