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Searching for each other begins, Khushi ran back to Shantivan when he rushed to Gupta House..

She listened to HP weakly as he explained his Arnav Bhai rushed out without telling him anything..

Khushi lost her strength, where did he gone to? Office?

She stormed out without telling Hp anything, leaving him puzzled by this husband and wife's secretive behaviour since morning...

Khushi get into a cab and on her way to AR DESIGNS.

Slowly tears trickled down her soft cheeks. Arnavji where are you? Please don't go anywhere.. We need to talk...

What if that day... They actually didn't consummate their marriage? Because of her so called pregnancy.. He misunderstood her?

They both... Misunderstood?

She feels so stupid... Why didn't she never told him that she loved only him, in her entire whole life... He was the one man that make her feel what love is..

On other hand, Arnav also left Gupta House empty handed, his Khushi didn't even reach her home...

Where could she be?

The pain finally engulfing his entire heart. Did she left this city?

He feels as if his whole world turned dark..

I shouldn't have behave like that.. I shouldn't have let you go... I love you.. I really love you only Khushi.... Please don't leave me...

He wipes his tears slowly.. "No.. I won't let you go.. I will find you no matter what.." He got in his car, and he turned it the way to her favourite temple..

Also called his family friend, who is this city's commissioner to help him find her..

He won't let her go without proper conversation between them...

He won't give up on their marriage that easily.. She was his from the very beginning, he was her first candidate.. He was the one who rejected her.. Not other way around...

He is missing out something here....

He searched for all around the city like a crazy, but he didn't notice his phone getting buzzed at the time..


Khushi waited for hours to meet Arnav, she saw how helpless Aman is for not able to help her reach Arnav as he is not picking up anyone's call..

Khushi wipes her tears.. Holding her purse, she stood up to leave.. Looking one last time in little hope that he might appear but it wasn't the case.

She slowly walked out of the head office with dejected face, feeling like giving up.. She feels as if her whole is spinning.. As she was crossing the road....

"KHUSHI!!" She heard his voice as her vision darkened, Arnav pulled her out of the roadway, kept her secure in his arms..

He tapped her face as he blamed himself, "Khushi, I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have left you alone." Hugged her close to his hear, nothing else matters to him but her!

"ASR?"Aman come running towards them in worry, Arnav immediately order," Bring the car here, I need to bring my WIFE to the hospital."

Aman nodded and urgently ran back to get the car.


It’s been an hour since she was admitted, his and her family arrived, they been asked so many questions but he heard nothing..

ARSHI: MEETING YOU AT A WRONG TIME (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now