Interview with expatxgirlie!!!

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The fantastic..... expatxgirlie!!!

1) Do you think you will be an author someday?

 No way. It's not something that I'm committed to in that way. Don't get me wrong, it's something that I love to do; but it's not something I want to do as my career. It'd be too damn stressful.

2) Have you ever been on the What's Hot list?

Yup. One of my stories, "Sweet Dreams, my Angel" has been on the WHL a couple of times. But honestly, that's not my #1 priority. I'm just here for fun and crazy conversations ;)

3) Do you spend a lot of time on Wattpad?

I do, and it's horrible! I know there have been a couple of times recently where I've had to BS my professors and make up stories about how a printer wasn't working or I accidentally left an assignment in my dorm room. As long as I get it to their office or email it to them by the end of the day, they don't care. It's just really easy to get distracted with so many great stories and great people to talk to (Haff, Hooch, Q, etc. ya I'm talkin bout you) ;)

4) Which type of genre do you like to read and write most?

I like to read almost any genre as well as it is well-written. One of my biggest pet peeves is writers who ask me to read their work when there are still glaring grammar and spelling errors. If the writer won't read through their own work, why should I? As for writing, I'm just getting started on this side of things, so for now I'm sticking to romance, but I have some crazy ideas popping into my head that I can't wait to try out once SDMA is done.

5) Does Wattpad take up your personal life?

 My personal life? No. My school life? Ya probably... My friends are way to crazy and would be way too pissed if I started ditching them for a site like Wattpad. Besides, they're wayyy too fun for me to ignore.

6) Do you use Quizilla?


7) Do you think you will have 100 fans by the end of 2011?

 Eh...Sure? Maybe... I already have over 50 and I just started this year, so it's possible. But again, just like the WHL thing, getting fans isn't the reason I'm here.

8) What occasion would cause you to write a longer chapter?

Hmm.... a few things: 1) I get carried away (very possible); 2) I don't want to leave a cliff hanger; 3) I'm not going to be able to update for a while so I want to leave a parting gift.

9) How long (page wise) are your typical chapters?

3-4 Wattpad pages normally.

10) How long (page wise) are your typical books?

Well... considering I'm in the midst of writing my first book I really don't have an answer for you yet...

11) Have you ever thought of really publishing your books someday?

It's not on my bucket list.

12) Do you read on Wattpad,or just write?

I definitely read. Check out my library because there are some AMAZING writers there, some of whom don't get the attention they deserve.

13) What advice would you give to a brand new member that just joined Wattpad?

Fine your niche, join some clubs and make some friends. Remember why you write; if it's for votes, comments, fans, etc. then pursue that and promote your story; if it's just for yourself, then it shouldn't matter what other people think. There will always be an audience for a story. It may not be the kind of people you expect or the size audience you'd like, but there will always be someone. Be happy with that.

14) Do you use the like or tweet button on the sie of stories?


15) Do you use the dedication button on stories?

You betcha! I'm pretty sure that every chapter I've written has been dedicated to someone.

16) Do you use the video and photo buttons on your stories?

Definitely. It's fun to post things songs and pictures.

17) What shocks you most about Wattpad?

How easy it is to make suggestions and how much the head honchos actually listen. I started out on Booksie and there were a lot of issues with plagiarizing that members tried to make complaints about, but it seemed like no one was willing to change anything.

18) Do you think Wattpad will be a popular site forever?

As long as there are people out there that want to post stories, ya, I do.

19) Do you ever read the Watt's Up section?

I never even knew it existed until I read this question and then looked for it. So no.... lol

20) Have you like Wattpad on Facebook?

Erm.. not sure. I don't think so... wait for it... BAM. Just did. Wattpad has been "liked."

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