Interview with Emeternity!!!!!

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1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how safe do you think Wattpad is for children 13 and under?

Hmm. Probably an eight. There are a few stories that are inappropriate, but they usually have warnings.

2) What interests you more, reading, or writing?

Definitely writing. I like to be able to put my ideas into words. 

3) How often do you typically update chapters of your stories?

It takes me a week or less. 

4) Have you ever been on the What's Hot list? 

I'm pretty sure I was #600 for a while. 

5) How often are you on Wattpad daily?

For an hour or more. 

6) Do you write rough drafts of your stories?

No, but I have an editor.

7) Have you ever thought of doing a story with another Wattpad member or a group?

Yeah, it sounds like fun!

8) Do you think any of your stories will win The Watty Awards?

I'm not sure. I don't really care about winning anything. 

9) Which of your fans do you talk to the most?

MP13Girl and astoriapike

10) When you have writers block, what do you do?

I wait for a little while and think, and maybe listen to music. 

11) Are any of your stories based on real life events that have happened to you, or someone else?


12) Are any of your real life friends, fans of yours on Wattpad?

MP13Girl, MP13GirlBigFan astoriapike, and looperloveexD

13) When you get hate mail, what is your reaction?

I haven't gotten any hate mail, but if I were to, it wouldn't really bother me. 

14) What advice would you give to other Wattpad members not on the What's Hot List?

Don't give up!

15) Do you LOVE writing? Or is it okay? 

I love writing. 

16) Which of your stories would you recomend a new Wattpad member to read first?

I only have one, so that one. 

17) How long does it  take you to write a 3 paged chapter?

A few hours to a couple of days. 

18) Do you get your inspriation from something, someone, or somewhere?

My friends. 

19) Are your characters names made up, or based on someone?

Made up. 

20) Do you think you will be a real author someday?

I have other plans, but I guess I wouldn't mind. 

Interviews!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon