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"Okay, what else do we need to do to get this shit started?" Dariush asked.

"You need to realign the satellite dish on the roof, then get a working computer and load the coordinates Major Collins gave you. Then activate Excalibur."

"All right, I'll go to the roof." Gabriel started to head off but was stopped by Alex.

"No, Gabriel. You guys load the programs. I'm gonna go to the roof. Plus, you guys are hurt and you two are the only ones keeping him alive." Alex placed the key on the desk. Quite dramatically.

"What are you talking about? You're afraid of heights!" Dariush exclaimed.

"Alex, I can't let you go alone," I stated.

"I'm scared of everything. It's my turn. Hope, you're hurt. Let me do this. I can do this. Tell Zhenzhen, I'm gonna want my watch back." With that, he started to walk away.

"And if I die...tell her I love her."

"You tell her yourself. When you come back, Alex."

A meek smile played on his lips before he started to disappear into the corridors.

"Actually, wait...don't tell her I love her, just tell her I was into her. I mean, I don't wanna freak her out with the 'L' word."

"Just go!" Gabriel and Dariush shouted in unison, earning a smile from me. It was cute to see how nervous he got just by talking about her. 

We refocused our attention on the large monitor in front of us. After a brief moment, light illuminated the room around us and the previously drab room was now bright.

"Shit, she actually got the power back on!" Gabriel retorted in surprise.

"I knew she could do it!" I added.

"Good. Do you see the monitors at the back of the room? Are the control stations working?" General spoke.

Gabriel sprang into action, quickly reaching the monitor at the back of the room. I hovered behind him, bearing the subdued pain. With the touch of a button, the screen lit up with a green hue and the most prominent word on the screen read 'EXCALIBUR'.

"Yeah, yeah, the computers are working," Dariush informed, "It's on."

"Excellent. Now insert the crypto-key."

With that, Gabriel inserted it, followed by him confirming he did.

"Okay, did your friend move the dish yet?"

We all moved our attention to one of the security cameras, noticing Alex nearly at the top of the tower.

"No, I see him but he hasn't moved it yet," I informed him.

"Then you have to wait before you launch Excalibur."

My eyes shifted over to Alex; I silently cheered him on, practically praying that he could do it and make it back here.

As Alex slowly made his way, a dark shadow caught my eye in a different security camera. The fucking alien.

"Shit!" I exclaim, "Alex!"

We all started screaming at him, to no avail.

"Activate the PA system," General suggested, what a great idea.

Dariush picked up the mic, yelling into it. I snatched it away from him, desperate to warn Alex about the incoming danger.

"Behind you, look down! Go, hurry, Alex!"

Now armed with the knowledge that the man-eating alien out to get him is right under him, he quickly tried to shift the satellite back in place.

The alien only got closer and closer with each passing second, making my blood turn cold. I watched wide-eyed as Alex made the final push with his leg, setting the satellite in place.  

"Oh, he did it!"

Although he did it, the alien continued to chase after him. I watched the screen filled with worry. Alex climbed to the top, where a wire stretched to the edge of the building. With his belt, he slid down, finally facing his fears of zip lining. He dropped back onto the roof and bolted for the door, locking the alien out.

Relief flooded over me as I waited for Alex (and Zhenzhen) to make their way back.

"Son, Excalibur needs two people to launch it."

I looked beside me to see that Dariush was nearly passed out on the chair. I tried to prompt him to wake up, but it didn't work. 

"I'm here! I'll do it!" It was as if the sight of Dariush passing out made the pain in my side split down my back. I quickly grabbed onto the table, clutching my side. 

"Hope? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just tell us what to do!"

"Get the two launch keys from the safe locker. Let me know when you're there and I'll give you the code."

Gabriel searched to his right and I search to my left. Moving a piece of debris out of the way, I found a safe with a pin. "Found it!"

Gabriel appeared beside me and looked at the numbers in worry. 

"Don't worry. I got this, Gabe."

"Okay. Punch in... nine, six three, two, two, one, zero, three. Tell me when you've got it open."

After punching in the numbers, I quickly opened the safe and pulled out its contents.

"I got 'em!"

"It is imperative that they are inserted at the same time."

"Okay, come on, Gabe let's do this." As soon as the words left my mouth, Zhenzhen came bursting through the hallway. I delayed my hug for her and focused on inserting the keys.

Gabriel stood on the right side and I stood on the left. We pushed the keys into the slot.

"Three, two, one" Just as he reached one, the alien dropped through the roof, causing us to jump back. 

Goddamn it.

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