Chapter 21 - Leon vs. Iris! Match Between Cousins!

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"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the semi-finals of the long-awaited Pokemon World Championships, Masters Tournament!" the announcer greeted in his mic in the VIP room of the Wyndon Stadium. After so long, the stadium could finally be used again with strengthened Eternatus Net integrity.

"On the left-hand side, we have the young lady, the prodigy trainer, the Dragon Master, the annoying little kid, 7th in the rank, the Unova Champion, Challenger Iris!"

Iris walked into the battlefield and waved at the cheering crowd in her Champion uniform, until she realized something was wrong, "Hey! I am not a little kid! I'm a grown-up and I'm 10! You are a little kid for calling me out like that!"

The announcer could have none of it, "It seems that the Unova Princess is having some EMOTIONAL DAMAGE! She deserves some beating by her opponent! And the one on the right-hand side of the court is no other than our beloved man, the man who gets lost all the time but never lost a battle, the strongest pokemon trainer who many look up to, the World Champion and current Monarch, Challenger Leon! Guys and gals, give some cheers, my bet is on him!"

Leon walked onto the field confidently and did his champion pose as if he had already won the match, "Let's make this a heated battle, Iris! It's Champion Time!"

The announcer continued, "Rumors have it that Iris and Leon are cousins. Nothing is said by the animators, but it's definitely recognized by the writer. Tonight, we have some very special guests. On my left, we have the Opelucid Gym Leader, Drayden; the Blackthorn Gym Leader, Clair; and the Kanto and Johto Champion, Lance! Turns out that all three of them specialize in Dragon-type pokemon! A very fitting relationship with Dragon Master Iris!"

Drayden nodded, "Thank you for inviting me."

Clair smiled, "Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Speaker."

Lance sweatdropped, "Clair, this is not the House of Commons: you don't have to address the announcer as Mr. Speaker."

The announcer giggled a bit before continuing, "On my right, we have the former World Champion, Mustard; the Lumiose Conference Winner, Alain; the Alola Champion, Ash Ketchum; and of course our lady, Professor Sonia."

Max pouted, "I thought he would join us in the stadium after he went to the toilet."

Mallow suggested, "Being a Master Class competitor really has the perk. Even Alain and Lance are up there. So Kiawe, when would it be your turn to be in the Masters 8?"

"Soon eno..." Kiawe closed his eyes and punched his chest.

But Gladion interrupted, "It will be my turn first. His pokemon are not strong enough."

"What did you just say?" Kiawe's background turned into fire while Gladion just looked at him with his cold green eyes.

Misty whispered in Serena's ears, "Aren't you going there to join your boyfriend?"

Serena blushed at the statement. The pair had agreed to not disclose their relationship until after the finals. After all, most of Ash's friends are still single and they didn't want to "blind" them by showing off their romantic relationship yet. Plus, with their focus on their own goals and a lack of romantic experience, these two young kids are not ready as couples either.

Serena sweated, "It's alright. The room would be so crowded if I go there..."

Misty raised an eyebrow, knowing that Serena did not deny that Ash was her boyfriend, "I see. Come sit with me then."


Someone knocked on the door of the VIP room, "Are we late?"

Sonia went to open the door and greeted the honorable guests, "You are on time. Come in and join us."

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