Chapter Two: The Marauders Meet.

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Sirius and Ophelia were wandering the train with their luggage trying to find a vacant compartment.

So far all of the compartments have been completely full, or people have blatantly refused to allow the twins to sit because of their last name.

This made many people frown. It wasn't their fault for their family's reputation.

The twins made it to the last compartment on the train, which luckily only had one person in it. A little boy with brown curly hair and large glasses that kept falling down his nose.

Many people smiled while the marauders made fun of their four-eyed deer.

Ophelia stole the boy's glasses, making him blind and helplessly grabbing on the air. After letting the boy suffer a bit more, she placed the glasses lopsided onto his face and give his a big, sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Ewwwww" Sirius squealed overdramatically .

"Shut up padfoot" the remainder of the marauders yelled.

Lily looked over at the happy couple. James pulled Ophelia onto his lap and started attacking her with kisses as she tries to escape his hands that are wrapped around her waist trapping her.
She wished that was her. She'd kill for that to be her. But the young boy Harry said that she was his mother so I guess in the end, she won and that brought a smirk to her face.

Ophelia opted to knock before entering out of politeness while her twin chose chaos and barged in as if he owned the place.

"Mind if we join you, mate?" The boy asked.

He didn't even let the spectacled answer as he pushed through the door and sat directly opposite of the unknown boy. Ophelia rolled her eyes at her brother, grabbing his luggage and putting both bags in the overhead before taking a seat next to the boy.

This made the viewers chuckle at the scene

"Well then." The mystery boy spoke, "My name is James Potter."

The twins both looked at him not saying anything making him uncomfortable.

After a few moments of awkward staring James cleared his throat gaining the attention of the Black siblings.

"And you are...?" The boy trailed off.

"Hi! I am Ophelia Black, nice too meet you!" The girl held out her hand for James to shake.

"And I am Sirius Black, her older brother." He said, throwing a smirk at Ophelia.

"Only by tweleve minutes." She retorted.

"Best tweleve minutes of my life."

"Ah, the never ending argument of the Black twins." Remus said with a small chuckle.

"Pleasure to meet you, James!" The twins spoke in unison.

The three spent their time getting to know each other by asking embarrassing questions.

Later on, about half way through the ride two people showed up at the door of their compartment. It was a red headed girl holding the hand of a silky looking boy who's hair looked to be unwashed and greasy and his nose was larger than the average person.

"Ew. It's snvilly!" Sirius and James squealed in disgust, earning a slap on the back of the head by their bunny.

"ow, bunny! What the hell?" James whined.

"Yeah, Phelia. That hurt."

"You're lucky that it wasn't more than that Potter." The green eyed girl glared at the two. "And Sirius, shut up."

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