Interlude: getting to know the future

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The loud commotion of the four marauders, mainly James and Sirius woke the baby who was once sleeping peacefully up, making his tiny yet powerful wails echo off the stone walls, piercing everyone's ears.

"Bloody hell dad and uncle Padfoot, can you be any louder? You woke Teddy up." Cassie scolded the younger versions of her father and uncle.

"Is that your kid?! Who knocked up my daughter?! I'll kill them! You're too young to have a kid!!!" James freaked out.

"James dear." Lily started, pushing her way in between James and Ophelia. "I doubt that kid has a kid. She's fifteen for Merlin's sake." She wraps her arms around his left bicep, gripping tightly.

"Evans please shut up." Young Sirius groans, "your voice is very annoying."

"Hey!" Harry exclaimed "that's my mum."

"No she isn't." The older two remaining marauders whisper in unison.

"So, this is really what happens to us in the future?" Ophelia asked looking at Remus and Sirius. "My brother becomes a poodle and Remus looks like a dilf." Both remuses (what's the plural is Remus?) choke on their spit and turn bright red.

"Ophelia Black!" Her wonderful mother yells "how dare you use such vulgar language!"

"Wait... where are James and I? Where's Peter?" She asked, looking around not seeing an older version of them.

The future gen along with the older versions of the marauders look down sadly.

A paper floats down onto Ophelia's head. She plucks it off, clearing her throat to gain everyone's attention.

Dear Hogwarts,

We cannot simply tell you the future without the risk of altering it. But there will be scenes from the future intertwined with the scenes of the past. You will get to see the lives of a young Harry and Cassiopeia Potter along with their friends and a horrid secret will soon be revealed.

The fates

"Well that wasn't cryptic at all." Sirius snorted.

"Shut up, Sirius." Ophelia groaned.

"You can't be mean to me because I'm now your very older brother. You have to respect me!"

"Have you seen yourself recently. Looks like you could use a trim there brother."

"Ok enough, I want to know who's baby my beautiful and WAY TOO YOUNG daughter is holding." James yells .

"Oh Teddy? He's uncle moony and uncle padfoot's son."

"WOLFSTAR?" Ophelia yells, excitedly taking the baby from her unknown daughter's arms and loving it and squeezing it and making all the baby noises.

"How the bloody hell is that possible?" Remus asked

"I don't care, this baby is adorable and I'm keeping it."

"You can't keep it." Remus deadpanned.

"Sirius's cousin, Nymphadora Tonks was the surrogate.

"Me!" A baby Toni's exclaimed clapping her hands.

"I need a drink."

"Good because the next part is coming up soon." 

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