Chapter three: the sorting

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Soon the train ride came to an end and the young wizards arrived at Hogsmeade station. Ophelia was still asleep against James' arm causing it to fall asleep. The boys were trying to find ways to wake her up. 

"Never wake Thumper up," Peter says shivering,

"Why do you call her thumper, and what is a 'thumper?" A little first-year Slytherin asks from the golden trio era.

The marauders all look at each other and smile. "You'll find out later, darling." The girl marauder 'thumper' said with a mischievous wink.

After the scariest moment of the four boys' lives, Ophelia finally woke up but not before James Potter was gained a tiny scary right on his chin.

Everyone laughed, not believing that little girl was able to hurt someone in her sleep.

There was a row of small wooden boats at the edge of the lake, waiting to take children on journey to the other side toward the majestic castle that illuminated under the pale moon light.

The four boys got into the boat and James stood up a little and put his hand out, to help Ophelia into the wobbly contraception.

"Why thank you kind sir," apple is said in her poshiest tone.

"Of course, m'lady" the young Potter replicated her tone.

The marauders smiled softly at the early stages of Bambi and thumper.

The sailed across the dark water, laughing and talking animatedly. James and Sirius were already goofing around.

The marauders, with the exception of James and Sirius were rolling their eyes at the Potter and Black duo, used to their antics.

The two were standing up, trying to make the other fall overboard. Both Remus and Ophelia were trying to keep the two idiots from tipping the entire boat over....

Too late. The boys successfully knocked the boat over making the five students fall into the black late.

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK!!" The younger twin screamed, making everyone around her flinch at the loud noise.

The great hall replicated the past students, all covering their ears.

"Merlin's beard, Ophelia, what are you, a bloody banshee?" Sirius groaned, looking towards the soak girl.

She splashed him before raising her hand and grabbing onto Hagrid's meaty one, allowing him to pull her up. Ophelia turned around, sticking her tongue out at her brother before sitting in Hagrid's boat.

This caused the hall to chuckle at the young girl.

The rest of the boat ride was uneventful, and before they knew it the group of incoming first-years arrived at the school's steps.

The large group stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for instructions when a tall woman wearing an emerald robe appeared; a frown drew on her pale face.

"Minnie!" Many in the hall yell at the professor, making her roll her eyes.

Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates in a few moments. But you must be sorted into your houses before you can take your seats. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now, your house will be like your family while you're here. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."

Ophelia, who walked back over to the group of boys, slipped her hand into her twin's, giving it a little squeeze.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." she leaves to enter the Great Hall.

"That's the same speech you gave us," Hermione calls out, making the new arrivers nod.

A few moments later, the large wooden doors opened, and the professor returned, leading them into the great hall.

"Wow," Ophelia whispered, eyes glued to the ceiling where she could map out every constellation as the floating candles illuminated the pale lights.

The hall smiled softly, remembering the feeling of walking through those heavy wood doors, towards the next seven years of their life.

The sorting started, the first years were nervous. They had no idea what to expect and nobody told them how this worked.

Sirius was the first out of the group. Everyone held their breaths expecting the young Black heir to be a Slytherin like the rest of his family.

He knew that there was gossip being whispered around the room but he ignored it, choosing to elegantly walk up to the stool with his head held high, just like how he was taught.

The boy closed his Mercury eyes, feeling some cloth being placed on high head.

"Hmm" a strange voice hummed. When he opened his eyes he noticed that nobody was talking, instead dozens pairs of eyes were all stirring at him expectantly.

"Another Black. I remember dealing with your cousins a few years back. But you, young Sirius are nothing like them. I can sense the courage racing through your veins. I'm know where you truly belong, and despite your best efforts of going on the path that your family wants you to your heart is too different. I know exactly where you belong..."

A beat of silence and Sirius was shaking his head, worried of the punishment that will be enforced upon him if he's placed into the house he's thinking of.


And his fate was sealed.

Ophelia grabbed her brother's hand, remembering the pain.

The boy was shocked, staring at his sister, terror in his eyes as he headed towards the gold and crimson table.

"Next up," McGonagall calls out, silencing the room, "is Ophelia Black."


The girl tried her best to be graceful, but she tripped over herself slightly. A smile was permanently on her face, and her cheeks were rosy.

She sat on the chair, ankles crossed, just like her mummy taught her, with her small hands delicately placed in her lap. Her emerald eyes shone bright, excited for her future house to be revealed. She knew that she wouldn't be a Slytherin. Her parents constantly told her that she was too much of a disappointment to honor their old silver and emerald house.

"You my dear, are destined for great things. You are kind, compassionate ", and loving. I know exactly where to our you." He pauses for a second. "Hufflepuff!" The voice boomed.

The girl laughed. She was a bit shocked at the statement, believing that he had heard the magical hat wrong. Her, a Hufflepuff? How the hell could that happen?

She shot a look over to her slightly older brother, he always knew how to comfort the heiress. He gave her a toothy grin, throwing both his thumbs up in the air, and with that, she hopped off the stool and practically skipped towards the den of the badgers. 

The sorting occurred as normal after the excitement of the Black twins being placed in houses other than Slytherin. James got placed in Gryffindor as he predicted, so did Remus, which he didn't particularly mind, and Peter, to his surprise, also got placed in the home of the lions.

The scene ended with the students both old and new, enjoying the first of many feasts surrounded by delicious food, friends, ghosts, and the strange yet comforting words of Albus Dumbledore. 

The screen grew black as everyone broke off into their little groups. The Balck family huddled, The Potters and Marauders headed over towards Harry and Cassie, who was carrying a blue-haired baby in her arms. 

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