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It's been 2 days since that incident. I still I have no idea if it was real or not, but one thing I know for sure is that I am scared to go to work..
I've been feeling horrible these days,
not getting any sleeping, scared that he'll come and kill me.
Every time I didn't go to work, I got yelled at.
I can't even go outside without feeling like I'm being watched anymore.

What is going on with me? I don't want to become an isolated, paranoid guy. I just want a normal life! Even if I wanted to isolate myself it wouldn't work, because If I don't go to work soon enough, I'll get fired and then kicked out of my parents house..

Fired..kicked out..

These words kept repeating in my head. I couldn't focus on anything. I tried being optimistic, trying to convince myself that it was a dream..but..can dreams be that realistic..? It doesn't make any sense!

I was sitting on my bed and staring into the the wall, head empty. At least now I can get some rest. Me peace was disturbed by the door opening.

"Will, are you planning to go to work? Or do you expect us to pay for everything?" Oh no, not this again.
"Uhh.. I'm just feeling a bit sick.. maybe next week..?"
"Listen here, if you get fired for your absence, we aren't going to pay for you, you're not a child anymore, you hear me?"
"Yeah I know..'
He slammed the door.

I spent some time thinking about my dad's words. On one hand, I really do need to go, but on the other, the fact that I could die scared me..All these thoughts were overwhelming me, I opened the window to get some fresh air. Looking outside, the feeling of being watched washed over me. How am I gonna go to work if I'm scared of looking out the window? Man I should get a therapist, maybe that'll help.. thought that's hella expensive..My train of thought was cut off by my phone vibrating. Uh oh.. it's him.
I decided to answer this time.

"Will finally! Why weren't you answering? And where have you been?We thought you died already!"
"Ah I'm really sorry mister Kennedy.."
"Lynch, you do understand that if you don't come to work I'm gonna have to fire you, and with your education you're not finding another job."
"Yes sir, I understand.."
"Good, plus you'll have to work more if you want to pay for the door, not that you have choice.." oh god please don't tell me I have to work a night shift..
"Okay, I'll try.."
"Alright, I better see you tomorrow." I guess I have no other option than to obediently listen and go.
"Yup..goodbye mister Kennedy."
"Goodbye Lynch."

Just as I promised, I got ready to go to work.
And just to be safe, I decided to have a knife with me, a utility knife to be exact. I mean.. it looks sharp so it'll do I guess. I don't really wanna check to be honest.

Finally plucking up the courage, I left the apartment, fighting the urge to go back. While walking down the street, my whole body was shaking, my face felt warm even though my hands were freezing cold. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.

The convenience store stepping into viewand a new wave of fear covered me as I got closer and closer..

|| No Way Out || Ticci Toby x Male!Oc || Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets||Where stories live. Discover now