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Quick A/n: here's what Will looks like, my friend drew this btw

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Ow ow ow. Hurts.. this is the fifth time I've been poked with that syringe, but I still can't get used to it. It feels new everytime. Even Shay's prep talk couldn't help me.
I don't know what to do. I feel ashamed for whimpering, i don't want Shay to think low of me..even though she sees me like this every few days.. aghh, why am I like this? Why can't I just be all tough and everything?  Why can't I be a stereotypical highschool jock? Actually never mind.. Shay doesn't seem like the type to like jocks.

Speaking of Shay, she actually turned out to be really nice, unlike Sofie. Not that I thought she was mean or anything, it's just that my first impression of her was...well, unjustified. Especially when she pulled out that giant syringe.

"Maybe I'm doing something wrong? It's a bit weird that you haven't gotten used to it.."
I don't want her to blame herself for my weakness. I felt bad for her, I'm making this so much harder for her. I wish I could make her feel better..

"What no! I'm sure you're doing everything right! It's my fault for whining. Maybe it's all because of my fear of injections? Maybe it has some kind of effect on me?" I tried reasoning with Shay.

"Hm, maybe.. well, at least you don't scream as loud as first time! That's already some progress." She winked at me.
I felt my face heat up.  I turned my head so she wouldn't see my flaring cheeks. Why am I feeling like this? Someone make it stop. I don't like it.

"Gee, thanks."
"Oh come on, don't be upset." She gently punched my shoulder.
I pretended to ignore her.
"Okay then, William Lynch, may I invite you to some ice cream this weekend, in order to make up for my inadvertence?" She bowed.
I faced her, obviously interested in her offer.
She smiled and handed me a small paper. She gave me her number. SHE GAVE ME HER NUMBER. 
I felt genuinely happy. I'm not sure if it was because of the ice cream or not. But I was glad I'd get to hang out with Shay. It's been awhile since I went out. It'll be nice to have some company for a change.

"Well if you insist. I couldn't pass up on your offer."
"Hah, yeah yeah, I'll see you soon."
I felt a buzz in my pocket. I took out my phone, I got a email.  Oh right! I bought a new phone! For my money though..
Why would someone email me? Last time I checked, I didn't have any friends..

"I gotta go now. By the way, you can text me whenever."
She quickly packed up her stuff and left. 
Weird. Is she hurrying somewhere? Oh, well, she does have job.
Oh right! Who was messaging me? I took my phone out, checking my notifications.

' sent you a
Video Message '

What kind of name is that?
Who even is this? Advertisment? What If it's the debtor?! Or someone got the wrong address?
it's probably better to ignore them. I don't think it's anything important, and If it is they'll message me again.
I sat on my bed, staring at my phone.
What if it is something important?

"Will! You forgot to do the dishes!"
Oh noooo, come on. I was hoping she wouldn't notice...
I dragged myself to the kitchen, where a mountain of dirty dishes awaited me. Spoons, forks, knives, plates. And everything was oily.. Ew.

Ugh, who's been such a pig?

"Didn't cook anything eatable and didn't even wash after yourself, goodness Will! Come on, quick, I have work to do around the kitchen." Mom said with displeasure and left me to the dishes.
I was trying to make donuts earlier, and..well, let's just say the only thing I can cook is and omlet.  I forgot about the dishes..
I got to work.

My phone started buzzing.
What's that?

It didn't stop buzzing.
Who in the world is texting me so much?? Someone is trying really hard to get my attention. But the only thing that's getting my attention right now are the dishes.
Oh! What if it's Shay?!
I turned off the tap, grabbing my phone with my wet hands.
Oh wow, new phone and I'm already planning on damaging it.

I unlocked my phone.
It wasn't Shay. I felt weirdly disappointed. Why was I expecting a text from her anyway? She couldn't have gotten my number, I hadn't texted her yet.

All those messages were from one person. Totheark. And the strangest thing was that all the messages were numbers. Specifically, one digit long. And the numbers were either 1 either 0.

01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01101101 01100101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00111111 00100000 01010111 01100101 01110010 01100101 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00111111

What the actual fuck? This guy really know how to get someone's attention.
The video must have been important since this is 'totheark' person is spamming so much.
But still, who are they and what does all this mean? Oh! What if it's some kind of secret code?! I doubt it, probably just spam. I guess I'll just fall for it and watch the video.

Forgetting all about the dishes I clicked on the video.

From the start of it you could tell that the quality was horrible. Looks like it was filmed outside, though it was dark and I couldn't make anything out.
There were eyes plastered on every corner of the video, even when the shot changed. Now the video was showing someone walking, or maybe being stalked. Being stalked by the person holding the camera. 

A text appeared on the screen.

'Everything is wrong with this world. Starting from you.'  the camera zoomed in as the guy walked into a stor- wait.. Is that our store?!
What? Is this addressed to me or the guy in the video?

The shot changes again, now the cameraman was much closer, still zooming in on the guy through the window- hold up, is that Stripey? Wait no..yes it is! It's Stripey! Is he being stalked? Why is he being stalked?
Is he still a regular customer? I hope so..

The cameraman sneaked up closer to the window.  The video was kinda distorted. It kept glitching. What in the world is happening?
The screen turned black. Another text appeared. This time it was coded.

-.-- --- ..-
    .-- .. .-.. .-.. 
   --. . -  
-.- .- .-. -- .- .-.-.- 
  - .... . 
  ..-. .-.. --- --- -..   
.-- .. .-.. .-.. 
   -.-. --- -- .
   ..-. --- .-. 
   -.-- --- ..- .-.-.-  
  -.-- --- ..-   
.-- .. .-.. .-..
    -... . 
   -.-. .-.. . .- -. ... . -..

Then a very weird voice sounded.

"Don't do it. Don't do it.
Stop. Stop it.
Wake up."

It ended. The video ended.

What am I supposed think of this now?

I was trying to process the video.
All I can say is that Stripey might be in danger. And this so called 'Totheark' has something against him. But.. why?     Stripey doesn't seem like the type to have enemies.. And all those codes and phrases were driving me insane. Was I supposed to decode all that? Were the messages from 'totheark' also a code?

Who was totheark?

Should I ask them? Or will they reply in codes? I should at least try..

'who are you?'

They replied immediately. As if waiting for me this whole time.

'I am your darkness
I am your light
I am your messenger
I am your judge
I am your saviour
I am your distress
Do I help or do I kill?'

Why are they texting like that? Are they like a psychopath or something? That's so weird..
What should I do about this? I don't want to worry my parents again.. should I just ignore them again?
Agh I don't know..

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