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"Your girlfriend is dead and you had no idea. How rude of you..."

Tobias chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

"What, you don't believe me? Yeah..your parents were shocked too."

  "What..what did you do?"  I choked out, not taking my eyes off him.  He was still squeezing my throat.  He smiled playfully. 

"Oh, but it's your fault, too." 

He..what is he..

"How the fuck is it my fault?! It's"  I tried to yell, but the pain in my throat stopped me.  He tightened his grip on my throat, preventing me from speaking.  My hands squeezed his. 

"Oh please, please. You trusted this certain 'Totheark' so much.. I must say, at first they bothered me a lot. Warning you about things that you shouldn't have known. If you think about it, everything would've come out completely different, had they not sent you that video. Or if you just blocked them, imagine how good everything would be.."

He smiled slyly, narrowing his eyes, as if laughing at my bad luck. 

"But you trusted them, didn't you? And I was able to take advantage of that. I was able to take advantage of your naive trust in someone you hadn't even met. Ironic, isn't it?"  He moved a little closer to my face.  "Well, you fell right for it! Didn't notice the change. Came straight to me.."
He whispered hoarsely, tightening his grip on my throat before loosening his grip a little.

"But I knew that everything would end up like this. Because you were such an idiot, you did everything I told you to without even realizing it. You didn’t even notice how I stole your knife while you were busy getting the map that I sent. And that knife had your fingerprints on it.."

Tobias broke into a creepy smile.  Is he saying..?  No, no..

"Why should I believe you?!" 

He chuckled, apparently enjoying the look of confusion on my face. 

Tobias released me.
I fell to the floor, and began to cough violently.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.  He threw it next to me, it was a newspaper. 

"Well, if you don't believe me, then maybe you will believe this article."

My eyes ran over the lines, hoping that Tobias was lying.  But no. No luck.

'August 28, in a car in a wooded area, the body of Shay Miller, a twenty-two year old girl, was found. There were no witnesses to tell us what exactly happened.' 

"Do you know how long I was looking for a route to this park, where there wouldn't be any cameras? I tried so hard, but you don't believe me. A shame, isn't it." 

I wasn't listening to Tobias anymore, all my attention was on that damn newspaper.  There was a photo of Shay.. The photo must have been old.  In the picture, Shay was probably still a teenager, her hair was much shorter, and the front strands were dyed a soft blue colour.  She was smiling at the camera, she used to have braces..cute.. It was a friendly, innocent smile, and her braces made her even more adorable. 

'She was found in the driver's seat with her head smashed into the steering wheel and her stomach cut open with a utility knife.'

"And you, as always, did not pay attention to the suspicious route."

'Due to a deep stab wound, the girl had a 'prolapse of bowel loops'
According to Shay's parents, she was going on a picnic with a friend, William Lynch,-'

"Seriously, it's all because you were so careless."

'-Who's fingerprints were found on the murder weapon.' 

"And how many times have I messed with your computer and phone. Who do you think deleted those videos, hm?" 

'However, William's parents said they didn't know anything about the trip.  The young man seems to have gone missing.' 

"-Of course I did, and you blamed Totheark for it. This again shows your naivety. It's even pathetic." 

'He is the only suspect so far and is wanted for questioning.' 

"So think carefully now, are you sure I'm the only one to blame for this? Hmm?"

|| No Way Out || Ticci Toby x Male!Oc || Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets||Where stories live. Discover now