chapter XI: ABEYANCE

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"Oh! You're awake! I apologize for the wait." The doctor came in, greeting me. He had greying hair, white coat, nothing too unusual. His name tag said 'Dr. Robert Evans'. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to get this over with quickly and go home. And I can relate to him too, I wanna go home as soon as possible too.
Being a doctor must be so tiring. And to think my parents wanted me to become one. But fortunately I chose the right path and went to college to study as an accountant...and dropped out.

"How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" Well actually, my whole body hurts, but I'd rather not say anything and go home already.
"Fine I guess,I my head hurts a bit though." I scratched the back of my head, hoping to sound like I'm not dying inside.
"Okay, that's good."

Awkward silence..
Am I supposed to say something? Is this my cue to leave? I don't think so, he didn't prescribe anything, nor explain anything either. Isn't he the doctor? Why won't he say anything?

"Alright, uhh.. could you describe what exactly happened yesterday? Maybe you ate or drank
something? Do you remember anything unusual?"

It seemed like a pretty simple question, but when I tried to think about it, I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember anything.
What happened? Where's my phone? Do my parents know where I am? Why does my head hurt so much?

Doctor Robert noticed my scrunched nose and contemplative gaze. He sighed and scratched his scalp.
"You don't remember, do you?"
I looked up at him guiltily and shaked my head.
"Do you remember today's date?"
I'm not sure in anything anymore..
"Uhh.. February..19th..?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"Actually, it's July"
What?! Was I In a coma? No way! Is this some kind of prank? He doesn't seem like the pranker type, he's like, what? 50? And I don't see any hidden cameras either. But there's no way I missed two...three..fou-five! Five months!

"I..I don't understand! How did I get here!? What happened to me?! Why don't I remember anything?! Will someone explain everything already?!"
I was starting to panic. I'm not sure why, but I had a strange feeling that much more than time had been taken.
"Calm down sir, I'm sure we'll figure everything out. It's natural to feel panicked in a situation like yours." He handed me a glass of water.
"Your coworker, Sofie Miller, called an ambulance after you started coughing up blood and passed out. Does that ring any bells?"
I opened my mouth, only to close it again.

"What do you mean I can't go in?! I'm his mother! I have to see him!" I heard my mom's scandalous cries in the hallway. The door busted open, and my dearest mother, furious and impatient, she rushed in, flinging her arms around me.
"Oh my baby! We were so worried!" I awkwardly hugged her back.
Oh wow, when's the last time Iast time she hugged me? I kinda missed this.
"How is he doctor?! Is he going to be okay?!" She looked at the doctor, begging for confirmation.
"Of course, ma'am, I'll prescribe you some pills for the coughing. But I'm not so sure about the memory loss.. I can only recommend a few antibiotics, but I can't guarantee that the memories will be back."

She frowned. "Yes, of course."

Doctor Robert bent over the table, writing something on a piece of paper. He then handed the paper to mom and started explaining something, not that I was listening though, my mind was everywhere but their conversation.

I was given a pill that was supposed to make me feel better. And it did, I could walk now. But something still felt off. But I couldn't think about it for too long, I really wanted to go home, go somewhere familiar, somewhere where I remember.

Stepping out of the doctors office, mom started questioning me.
"Will, do you even imagine how worried we got when they called us telling us that you fainted?"
"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry.."
"Why weren't you answering my calls? Why have you been acting so strange the past few days?" I was nice of here to be concerned for me but the doctor himself told her I didn't remember anything. I could see her frowning face in the rearview mirror.
"It's like you've been scared of something...or someone. You know you can tell me anything, right? Are you in a gang? Do you have debts? Is someone threatening you? Please tell me Will, I'll hear you out and support you in anyway I can!" Her eyes were getting teary.
I feel so guilty.. what if I have problems? Ugh..I wish I could remember something..
"No, of course not, mom! Everything is fine. Don't worry." I tried reassuring her.
I really don't like having conversations like these with my parents.. it's just so awkward.
"How can I not worry?! How can a mother not worry when her son is coughing up blood and almost choking to death?!" She raised her voice a bit.
I didn't answer. I didn't know how to answer. I didn't know anything. Is everything really fine? Only the past me knows the answer. And I'll never know it unless I remember.
Too bad I don't have a diary where I write everything down.. or..what if I do? Though I highly doubt it, it's still possible. I'll have to check once we get home.

I looked out the window. It was morning so there were lots of people going to work. The streets were nowhere near empty. The atmosphere was still gloomy, despite the sunny weather.
It's like everything changed without changing.. Last time I remember it was snowy and cold, now everything is green, there are flowers everywhere. But one thing is for sure, We're going home and nothing will change that.

Fortunately, we did get back home safely. Not that I was expecting not to, it's just that I can't be sure of anything right now.
I rushed to my room, only to be stopped by my father.
"Will, you're not even going to say hi?"
"Oh, hey dad."
I just need to get to my room, please dad.
"Hey, what happened to you kid? We were really worried y'know?"
"I know dad, I'm sorry, can I go to my room now? I'm really tired."
He nodded and patted my shoulder.

Come on, come on, come on, come on! Ugh! There has to be something!
I was rummaging in my room, trying to find something, anything, that would give a clue to what happened during the past 5 months. What, or who, was I so scared of?

I've dug through all my stuff, and still nothing. Maybe if I had my phone I could find something.. but I have no idea where and when I lost it.
Maybe my laptop will have some answers. I sat on my bed, turning on my laptop, and after doing some digging in my files, I discovered nothing unusual. So I decided to check my search history.
My searches were....interesting.
'how to know when your being stalked'
Oh wow, did my ego get so big that I thought I had a stalker?

The more searches I read, the more concerned I got.

'self defence easy'

'how old do you need to be to buy a gun'

'how to convince police without evidence'

What in the world was happening to past me?
Clicking out of Google, I spotted a folder of video files I hadn't noticed before. It was security camera footage.

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