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"Will, honey, could you go buy the groceries? I don't have time.'
"Hm? Me?! But I'm sick!" I faked a cough.
"Mhm, sure. So then why did you spend the whole Thursday at a café? Actually, you've been going out a lot more lately."

Oh right, I haven't told mom about Shay. I'm not sure why, I just feel embarrassed whenever I try to bring it up. Mom's already teasing me, I don't want her to tease me even more.. though I'm sure she'd be surprised that I actually hang out with a real human being. I'm actually surprised myself.

"Ugh fine, you got me."
"There you go. The shopping list is on the end table. I have to go now, I got a call from the office."
"What? Have they gone mad? It's the weekend!"
"I know, you're right. There's not much I can do about it though. I'm not sure if I'll be home by dinner, so make yourself something, alright? Love you, bye."
"Hey, bu- sigh.. bye.."

But I can't cook! She just left so quickly, leaving a poor child all alone. Maybe Shay knows how to cook? Should I text he? No that's weird- 'Hey there, my parents aren't home and I'm a non-independent 19 year old boy who can't cook for himself. Wanna come over?' Yeah no. Besides, I doubt she'd be able to come. She's been very busy lately, I don't blame her either, she studying and working at the same time! Why would she become my house worker?

Stepping outside I wondered which store to go to, the further super market or our convenience one. I'm a bit scared to go the latter one, since there's always the probability of meeting Sofie..  and I really, really, don't want to meet Sofie. if there's Sofie, there's also bullying. 
The supermarket on the other hand, is too far, what If I get kidnapped? I should've stayed home. Who needs food anyways? ... nevermind, I need food. I guess I'll just go to our good old convenience store and hope that it's Andrew's shift now.

Here we are. It's been a while.. who am I kidding, it's been like, what? Three weeks? I haven't missed this place one bit. The old shop sign, the annoying bell that rang as I opened the glass door.

"Oh Will, hey! Came here to work?"
It was... Andrew! Phew, looks like the universe isn't picking on me today. Luck Is finally on my side!

"Work? Me? Pfft, I'm honoured you think so highly of me."
"Yeahh, no. So why did you come? Are you just showing off your freedom? Sofie did that when she was on vacation."
"What?! Don't compare me with Sofie!"
"You two are pretty similar.."
"Not true!  There must be something wrong with you for thinking that."

There is nothing alike between me and her! How could there be? I'm a sweet little saint and she's an bad monster. Brr..

What do I even need to buy?  I reached into my pocket for a folded piece of paper. I haven't lost it, good job me! Uh huh, bread..milk.. tomatoes..maybe I should buy myself a snack too? Mom surely won't notice, and even if she does, it's not like I'm buying drugs or anything..

"Oh hey, Will. I haven't seen you around in a long time." 
Oh come on, why does everyone feel the need to talk to me today?
I turned around to meet a guy in a red flannel and fancy sideburns.
Eh? Who even is this? How does he know my name anyway? His face is kinda familiar.. Maybe I met him in the last five months? Or maybe he just got the wrong person? What should I say? Do I pretend I know him? No way, he'll definitely notice I'm pretending, I don't even know his name! What if I run away? No, that's rude. He's probably just someone past me knew.
I must have been staring too long since the poor guy got uncomfortable.
"Hiiiii..uh..who are you..?"
He stared at me strangely, as Is suspicious of me. He peered at my face for what felt to be a long time.
Damn the atmosphere is awkward.
"Ahaha.. I must've- You just look like someone I know. I'm sorry for bothering you, have a good day."
He walked away, sometimes staring at me through the shelves. What a weird guy.. okay, I think this is all.

"Thank you for the purchase, have a nice day. And please come back to work soon! Or Sofie will be the end of me.." Andrew pleaded, handing me the heavy plastic bag. Or at least it was heavy for me. I should probably start working out...

Poor Andrew, I feel bad for him, but all I can do is enjoy my vacation and not worry about Sofie. Thank doctor-whatever-his-name-was for the medical clearance.
Now, what shall I cook when I get home? Perhaps an omlet? That's as far as my cooking goes.. But I already ate an omlet this morning.. so no omlet. Maybe some Mac and cheese with sausages? Yes! Great idea- snapping out of my daydream about food, I just noticed another shadow behind mine. Coincidence? Maybe. I shouldn't make assumptions just because someone is going in the same direction I am. I can't be completely sure it's a stalker, besides it's not even fully dark yet.

I quickened my pace. But the shadow did not lag behind me, not a bit, the person also sped up. Who is it? Totheark? The psycho? I didn't have the guts to look back and check, I shouldn't do anything suspicious or sudden. Quickening my pace was already a big give away.
"Crap, I'm running late." I 'whispered to myself' as if to substantiate my quickened steps. I just have to act as If I haven't noticed the persistent shadow trailing behind me. I need to think sensibly and not panic. But then what? There's no one home. What am I supposed to do? The police station is far from here too. What If it's that debt collector. Calm down. No panic, only thinking. Running is a risky choice. But I don't know what else to do in this situation. If I continue walking to my house this person will know where I live. However if I run, I still have a chance  of losing them.
Fuck it. I burst Into a run, looking behind me. It was him. The maniac, the psychopath, the lunatic, the one that ruined my peaceful life.
And the strangest part was that he wasn't running after me. No, he was just standing there, underneath the street light. Looking at me.
Why isn't he running after me?? Does he already know where I live? Is he going to come for me later?
I hurriedly searched for the keys in my pocket, dropping them in the process.


I picked them up and shoved keys in the keyhole. Unlocking the door, I locked it again and dashed to the window.  He's gone. He's gone. Where is he? Mom isn't going to be home soon. Should I call her? I should definitely call her. I took out my phone, clicked on her contact. No answer. Fuck. Why isn't she answering? Now I understand why my parents get so worried when I don't answer the phone.
It's fine. I have the door. The door will save me. I'll just eat to calm down. Nothing help calming nerves more than some cold strawberry yogurt. Sitting down on the couch, I gobbled up the yogurt. Y'know what? I do feel better actually. I should've bought more.. I walked up the the trash can in the corner of the room, throwing out the plastic cup, and ofcourse, accidentally throwing out the spoon too. Great.  I bent down and squeamishly shoved my hand in the trash, trying to find the spoon avoiding as much trash as possible.

Hm? What's this?
I took out what seemed to be a folded newspaper. Oh wow, someone still reads these? It's 2020, I wasn't expecting to find a newspaper in my house.
I unfolded it, curious about the content of this piece of paper.

'JUNE 15TH 2014

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