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The bell rang, I looked over to see who came in..oh shit.

"aAaah" I screeched as I tried to balance my self on the ladder but miserably failed. I landed on my elbows. Some people turned their heads to see where that ungodly squeak came from.
"Dumbass.." I heard someone mumble.
The feeling of dread came over me once again.
The toilet paper rolls fell on me.

"Woah, dude! You alright?" Mr sideburns ran up to me.
"Uh yeah, I'm fine" I distractedly answered.
I got up and dusted myself off as my eyes searched the store for him. That was definitely him. It had to be him. I'm sure I saw him walk in just now, where the fuck did he go?!
"Yeah, okay, I believe you."
I really don't have time for you right now.
"Are you injured? You fell pretty hard."
"Nope, I'm alright."
"Well if you're so sure then you're probably aware of the blood on your elbows."
I looked down at my arms to see my sleeves stained with blood. How didn't I notice that?
"Oh uh.."
"Here, let me help." He started picking up the paper rolls and put them back on the shelf.
"Ah, thank you!"
"No problem, go get yourself patched up before you die from blood loss" he chuckled.
"Heh yeah, I probably should.. thanks again." I made my way to the bathroom and proceeded to wash of the blood from my arm.

Either I've completely lost my mind and am hallucinating, or he's really here and I'm going to die. I don't know which option Is worse..
Maybe he just looks like him? Well either way I have to calm down, I can't have Mr sideburns do all the work for me. Phew, okay, everything is fine, he's not here, everything is great.

I strolled out of the bathroom and walked up to mr sideburns, and to my suprise, he was already done.
"Oh wow you're done already, I'd say you were made for this job! Maybe you should work for me hm? What's your name, I'm gonna need a resume." I winked at him, earning a small laugh.
"It's Tim, I don't know about working, but I wouldn't mind a discount." He answered with a smirk.
"Hey, I never said anything about discounts! I'm Will by the way."
"Yeah, I know" he pointed at my name badge that literally said 'William Lynch'

I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"H-hey, could you quit -whistle- chatting?I'd like to- like to pay"
I turned around to face an unfortunately familiar face.
My body froze.
It was him.
"Is everything okay?" Tim asked from behind me and skeptically looked him.
"Ye-yes! Of course.. sorry, one second."
I snapped out of my trance and headed towards the cashdesk.

Is this really happening?! I have to call the police, but how? Right now? I can feel his eyes on me. I don't even have any proof! I don't have any time..but I can't just sit here do nothing... I need proof but I have to somehow find it unnoticeably. I'm sure he's watching my every move. What do I do?!
He payed for the energy drink with a very wrinkled 3 dollar bill.
"Thank you for your purchase, have a nice day."And please don't ever come back. I knew he would come back though, and next time, he wouldn't come empty-handed.

I spent rest of the day constantly on guard.There became fewer and fewer people in the store. And emptier the place got, the stronger the feeling that something bad was going to happen became.
And I still have the night shift ahead of me.

It was already dark outside, and I was alone.
My palms were sweaty, and my leg was bouncing.
You know what? Fuck it, I'm locking the door. Besides, no one usually comes here at this time. My safety is far more important than some men wanting a drink.
I carefully tip toed to the door, quickly locked it and ran back to my seat. I felt a lot calmer now, but still, the glass doors could easily be broken, especially with an axe.

An hour passed and nothing happened. I was listening to every little sound.
Maybe he won't come after me.. what would he gain from me anyway? It's not like I can prove anything anyway, and I'm sure he knows that.

The handle wiggled.
My breath hitched in my throat.
My hand quickly reached for my knife.
Calm down maybe it's just another client.
I stood up and slowly walked to the door.
Nope, it was most definitely him.
Or at least I thought it was, he had orange goggles on and a gray mask.
My legs failed me and I fell in a sitting position.
He reached for his axe as I reached for my phone. I quickly dialled up 911, my thumb threateningly close to the 'call' button.
"Try anything and I'll call the police." I exclaimed, my voice cracking.
I sound so pathetic.
He shoulders shaked as he let out a chuckle.
"Oh I'm so scared of little squeaky-voice" he mocked.

I was shaking.

I've never been so scared in my life.

|| No Way Out || Ticci Toby x Male!Oc || Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets||Where stories live. Discover now