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At that moment, I just didn't know what to do.
There were too many risks. I didn't know where he was going, or where the exit was, nothing.
I didn't know how much time I had until he returned.
All these factors were stressing me out. Was it some sort of obedience test? Was he waiting for me outside to see if I'd really try to escape?
Who am I kidding.. These are all just excuses. Shouldn't I have at least tried?
I wouldn't want him to think that I am his obedient little puppy. Oh god no. I don't want to be like that and I don't want to follow his plan.
Maybe I should lower Tobias' guard? And then run away. Maybe he won't hurt me then? No.. I don't think he'll let his guard down anytime soon.. he literally stares at me all the time, as if I'm some kind of clown for him. Moreover, it's useless to think that he won't hurt me if I behave well.
He's quite unstable.. Yelling, then quieting down. I can never guess his reaction to anything.
And being obedient is like playing by his rules, at any moment he can turn the game in his favor. Yeah, no.

Well, I hope I did the right thing. You never know what could happen.. It's terrible to even think about. Especially when he tells me about his crimes.
He would enter the room and tell
me everything, very detailed by the way. He talks about it without a drop of regret in his voice, without any reproach at all. And always, absolutely every time, he locked the door behind him. As expected of Tobias, a psycho killer.

During my time here, I realized that Tobias is very punctual. He visits me as soon as the first ray of sun falls on the door.

It's very possible that I'm going crazy, but it seems I've started to get used to this prison I'm trapped in. That's what scares me. How can I get used to it? I'm disgusted even at the very thought of it! There is clearly something wrong with me! I can feel it..
I need to get out of here before I completely go crazy .. Otherwise, something terrible will happen, I know that. This all leads to disaster.

I need to prevent it.

But how? How can I do it? He always locks the door, watches me, and the utensils are all plastic, you can't do anything with them.

I feel like no one is coming for me. And why did I hope so before? I don't even know where I am, what if I'm out of town or even city?

I was definitely naive sitting in a room doing nothing. But what can I do? Unlike Tobias, I can in fact feel pain and am not very strong.. I can't compare to him.

What if I hide behind the door and slip through when he opens it? Will it work? Something tells me it won't...

I heard voices from outside, and they sounded urgent. I quickly ran over to the window and listened closely. "Will! Will!" I heard them shouting. I couldn't believe it; the police were coming for me! They came for me? No way! I'll get out of here!
"Hey! I'm here! Please, help me!" I screamed to the point my throat hurt, trying to catch their attention. But there was no answer.

Can't they hear me? Am I going to miss my chance again?! No, please! Don't leave me! Please!

"I'm here! Hey! Please help!" My voice croaked.

The door swung open, and Tobias's irritated voice rang out. He was clearly upset.

"Why are you yelling? Are you crazy? Did you forget that we're in a forest? There is no one here. Just us.."

Didn't he hear the people? But what if...if he finds out, he'll kill them?! These people are clearly after me. Tobias will be furious if he finds out.

But even knowing this, I did not stop yelling. What if this is my last chance?!

"Hey, can't you hear me? It's disrespectful to act like that."

I ignored him. I don't want to see him. But I didn't take into account that Tobias was in a bad mood. He fell silent and began to slowly approach me from the behind. His cold hands were on my shoulder. He tried to pull me away, but my hands grabbed the window sill. His face twisted into a terrible grimace.

He's underestimating me, I won't let go.
I need to... I need to get out!

"Hel-" My voice broke into a scream. Tobias stuck a knife in my hand. My scream echoed. My ears were blocked and I heard a strange deafening noise. What is this?? My hands loosened and I let go of the window sill.

"Why did you give up so quickly? Hm?"

From his lips it sounded so ironic and mocking. I just wanted to punch him in the face, but unfortunately my hand had other plans. I was shaking all over, I couldn't stop the tears.

"Hey, don't cry..okay, I'm sorry."

He abruptly drew his knife.

the blood flowed from the wound. I could feel it seeping through my fingers and dripping on the floor, mixing with my tears.

"Come on, why aren't you talking to me? You swallowed your tongue? You need help, so ask me for it."

I looked at him in disgust. I don't know why I can't say anything. Am I too scared?

"You know, I can technically help without your asking. I am kind after all."
He took my hand.
What is he going to do? He doesn't have a first aid kit with him.

"Animals lick their wounds.."


What? What, is he an animal too? I tried to withdraw my hand, but he did not let me do it. He squeezed my hand tighter and reached for the wound. He began to lick the blood from my hand.

Huh?? What??

"What are you doing? I'd rather bleed!"

"Hah, oh really now?" The words taunted out of his mouth.

|| No Way Out || Ticci Toby x Male!Oc || Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets||Where stories live. Discover now