Rescue Mission

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Nanette tried to calm Melie down as she started to hyperventilate, and stopped her from running head first into danger which would endanger the entire group.

"How did they find our ship?" Lucas asked, completely thrown.

"They must have scouts patrolling the island that we didn't see..." James whispered.

Lucas didn't like this, not one bit. Not only was their plan completely crushed, they also had more people to rescue now and find a way to get off the island. They were definitely in a tight spot. He looked to his wife, watching her eyes calculating the land in front of her.

"Do you have any ideas?"

She looked up at him and nodded. "I think so. But I need everyone to follow my lead."

The prisoners were marched through the gates before shutting once again. This was going to be a suicide mission if it wasn't done right.

Melie had gotten a hold of herself and came closer to Amicia. "You better have a damn good plan, Amicia."

"I think so, but you're going to have to trust me. Those bastards will pay, do you understand?"

Melie nodded, though she still looked like she was about to take on every soldier in the fort.

"We'll need to split up. I know how to get in without being detected, but I'll need one team to set up explosives at certain spots. Lucas can you lead the other team?"

He didn't like the idea of being separated from Amicia, but he knew it had to be done with his alchemy skills. "Yes, where do you want the explosives marked?"

She told him her plan, and he had to admit it was brilliant. "I should be able to find what we need in the fort. Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Amicia nodded, though not convincingly enough for him. He took her in his arms and hugged her close. "Come back to me alive, you hear me?"

"I always come back to my alchemist don't I?"

He sighed and kissed her then. He would have lingered if time wasn't of the essence. "You better."

The two teams started off together and found a way through the walls that were still being rebuilt. Lucas would be more obliged to tear them down again. The group moved through the tall grass as Amicia would throw objects to distract the guards. Just like old times.

They split up as they got closer to the command building at the center of the fort. Melie and Nanette went with Amicia to free the prisoners while Lucas and James went off to set to set the explosives. He didn't know the fort like Amicia did, but he had enough knowledge of the land to make it work. Apparently they had rebuilt it fairly similarly to ten years prior. Lucas took care of two guards with his sleep powder before they would sound the alarm. James was impressed by his alchemy skills.

"You're amazing, master alchemist!" James whispered as they set up the first explosive point.

"Not a master yet, James, but thank you."

"Could have fooled me. Are you really responsible for helping stop the plague?"

"That was mostly Amicia, but I suppose I helped." He smiled thinking of what Amicia would say right now. We only made it so far because of you, Lucas!! Stop giving me all the credit! I don't care if they don't call you a master alchemist! You're MY master alchemist!!

"There should be stories of you two in the future!" James declared as they got ready to move to the next point.

"Perhaps for Amicia. As for me, I'm perfectly content just being at her side."

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