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Summary: Harry gets sick and is feeling extra clingy but won't let Louis get near him because he doesn't want to infect Louis.


Groaning, Harry rolls over in bed, one of his arms lifting to rest across his forehead.

He's shivering from the cold, even with his two blankets, weighted blanket and the thermostat turned up to 74 degrees Fahrenheit. His throat feels swollen, and he can't breathe through his nose because he's so congested.

Slowly he sits up, swinging his legs over the side of his bed and shakily rising to his feet.

Dragging his feet, he makes his way to the bathroom where he turns on the light, temporarily blinding himself. Opening the medicine cabinet, he sticks the thermometer in his mouth and perches atop the counter as he waits for it to beep.

How could this happen? He was perfectly fine this morning. Harry had been bouncing off the walls, he had so much energy. His voice was clear, enunciating each lyric flawlessly. With a soft sigh, he thinks back to the good old times when he could breathe.

Speaking of, he really hopes the thermometer will beep soon because he really can't breathe through his nose and he has to keep his mouth closed around it. Asphyxiation isn't his first choice when it comes to ways to die.

Luckily, the thermometer goes off and he takes it out of his mouth, peering at the small digits.


That's unfortunate.

Rinsing the end off, Harry sets the thermometer down at the edge of the sink before taking a dose of Motrin and cold medicine.

Trudging back to his bedroom, he takes his pillow and weighted blanket off the bed, tossing them over his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Louis' gravelly voice startles Harry, who thought he was being quiet.

"I've got a temperature. 'M sleeping on the couch." Picking up his tissue box and water bottle from the night stand, he heads wearily for the door.

"What? Why?" Sitting up, Louis crawls across the bed until he's at the foot of it, reaching out and grabbing Harry's blanket in order to stop him.

"I don't want to get you sick too, baby. Let go." Harry coaxes softly.

He really wants to cuddle Louis. He becomes very clingy when ill, and all he wants is attention and for people to do things for him. But Louis' health is more important than his desires. He'd rather go three or four days with zero physical contact with his boyfriend than infect him and know he's the reason Louis' feeling bad.

"Don't be silly, Haz, I don't care. Come back to bed?" Louis laughs softly, tugging on the blanket again.

Harry looks at his boyfriend, the beautiful smile adorning his face. He can't be the reason that smile disappears and gets replaced with a fever mouth.


Harry pulls his blanket out of Louis' grasp before leaving their bedroom. Moping into the living room, he collapses onto the couch.

It's weird sleeping out here, especially weird sleeping without Louis. They haven't slept apart in almost two years, since they moved in together. Louis' scent isn't as strong on the seat cushions, the absence of his warmth beside him and the usual weight of his arm draped over Harry's waist makes him feel alone.

The medicine he had taken in the bathroom seems to be kicking in because he becomes very drowsy very quickly. Within a minute of his head hitting the pillow, he's out like a lightbulb.


Harry's slow breathing hitches in his throat momentarily before returning to normal. His mouth is hanging open since he can't breathe through his nose, and his eyes are still heavy with sleepiness.

It feels so good. He feels terrible, but the ghost of Louis' fingers in his hair, and his weight on his chest make Harry smile in his half-awake state.

As the drowsiness gradually wears off and he becomes more aware of his surroundings, he's puzzled when the feeling of Louis doesn't leave along with his dream of him.

Groggily opening his eyes, he sees the feathery haired man on top of him, his face nuzzled into Harry's neck, his arms extended to his hair where he's gently caressing through his curls.

"Louis!" Harry exclaims, his voice coming out disgustingly nasally, which only upsets Harry more. "I told you to leave me alone!"

He sits straight up, causing a startled Louis to fall backwards a bit at the motion, his eyes staring up at Harry dazedly.

"But I don't want to leave you alone. And you don't want me to, either. You were crying out for me last night."

Harry stifles his words at that, slightly embarrassed that he had been so needy, even in his sleep.

"That doesn't change anything, baby. I'm gonna get you sick and I don't want that. Please don't come near me again until I'm better?" Harry pleads, standing dizzily from the couch.

The room begins to spin a little and right before he loses his balance a pair of arms wrap around his chest, steadying him.

"I've got you, it's okay." Louis reassured him gently as Harry begins whining.

"Don't touch me, Lou! You're going to get-"

"I don't care if I get sick, Harry! In sickness and in health, right? How can I say I do to that when we get married if you won't let me do it now?" Louis looks seriously into Harry's eyes, softening when he sees them becoming red with tears.

"But... you're gonna get sick." Harry whispers, unable to think of anything else to say. All the medicine he took the prior night has worn off in his sleep, so the pounding headache in his skull along with his general dizziness and sore throat makes it impossible for him to think of a better argument.

He feels deadened, unable to do anything for himself, and he feels so bad that all he really wants to do is cry.

"Angel, you wouldn't let me isolate myself if I were the sick one, and I'm certainly not going to let you." Louis leans up, pressing a kiss to Harry's numb lips. "Now sit down, I'm gonna get you some breakfast, okay?"

Once Harry's seated back on the couch cushions, Louis disappears into the kitchen.

Now that Louis' made that whole speech, Harry can't resist. It was a good argument, Harry definitely would not leave Louis' side if he were the ill one. And that part about their future wedding, well that was enough to put a smile on his lips.

After a few minutes without a reappearance from his boyfriend, Harry stands up carefully, his fleece blanket wrapped around his shoulders and over his head, so only his ankles and face weren't protected.

"What are you doing up, Haz?" Louis asks, walking over to him from his place beside the teapot.

"You didn't come back."

"I was on my way, I was making your tea. Just the way you like it." Louis wraps his arms around Harry's waist, pulling him close until they're chest to chest.

A red blush rises to Harry's cheeks as he looks down at the gorgeous boy he gets to love.

"Really? With extra sugar?"

"With extra sugar."

"Even when I'm sick?"

"Especially when you're sick."

"Aww, babyyyy." Harry winds his arms tightly around Louis' neck, holding each other close.

While he's not happy he got sick, it is nice to be reminded how much Louis loves him and will protect him.


Harry is me.

I am Harry.

I cannot breathe through my nose and my throat feels swollen.

Would anybody like to be my Louis? 🫣

Anygays, vote and comment or else you'll get sick like me xx

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