Belgium, August 28th 2022

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Watching from the motorhome as the Red Bulls take the checkered flag P1 and P2 makes me annoyed to say the least. George had barely missed the podium and the team was proud, but also having to watch my brother be forced to retire the car had been my last straw. I had learned growing up not to try and comfort him after a crash, the only person that could talk him down was dad. I walked quickly down to the garage and found George there as well after his turn in the media pen. Lewis was still visibly upset, but you would never tell, if you hadn't grown up with him, based on his interactions with the team. He was deep in conversation about the comments made by Alonso after their contact, and how he was supposed to handle it at the drivers' party tonight. Lewis was rarely known for attending any clubs or parties after a race so I hardly thought that would be a problem.

"Yeah I think I'm just gonna avoid it. Eva and George should go though."

"I-" I started to say that I couldn't go tonight because of the release. But, after a race like that, I didn't think he should have more to think about. So I elected to finish with, "I'm sorry about the DNF."

"Well there's not a lot you can do when you get sent flying." Smiling angrily, he threw the pen onto the table as his phone rang. "Hey dad. Yeah, I'm with George and Eva. Look I-" he removed the phone from his ear, "they say hi sis." I smiled and Lewis turned quickly, excusing himself to talk with our dad.

They say hi?

They didn't even want to talk to me?

Of course they didn't, we hadn't talked in weeks.

Rolling my eyes, I walked over to George who sat next to his engineer, going over tape of the race.

"Hey! congrats on P4," I faked a smile and he looked up at me.

"Oh yeah...thanks. I wanted that podium though."

"Understandable," he turned back to his task. "Hey I don't think I'm gonna be able to go to the party tonight."

"I was thinking about skipping as well, I'm planning on getting to the Netherlands early." George was promptly pulled back into a conversation with his engineer. My phone started ringing so I excused myself to no one in particular.

"Hey May, how's it coming?" I tried to feign enthusiasm.

"We are all very excited darling." I heard cheers in the background. "We took some time to clean up the editing and add a few more instrument tracks. I can send it over in a bit if you want to check it over."

"Yeah, that sounds amazing. Thank you May."

"Of course kid, anything you want let me know. This is gonna be huge! Have you told Lewis yet? I haven't heard anything from your parents either."

Yeah neither have I.

"Um...he's been on the phone with dad and his mum. It was a hard race today so I just don't want them worrying about anything else right now." I nervously walked up the paddock towards the gate. Spotting Lando and Daniel in the McLaren garage, they both waved excitedly. Lando pointed to his watch and mouthed, 'Can't wait to listen tonight'. I grinned at him and blew a kiss...which Daniel promptly snatched out of the air. I said my goodbyes to May and my team then felt the weight of hands on my shoulders.

"Bonjour ma petite étoile!" A heavy monégasque accent filled my ears. "I feel as if I have not seen you in so long!"

"Charles!" I spun quickly...then saw who he was with. "Gasly," I nodded my head.

"Oh she speaks," the Alpha Tauri driver bit out.

"Y'know who I would love to speak to...Adrienne. Where is she by the way?" Gasly removed his glasses quickly and looked like he was about to say something.

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