Japan, October 9th 2022

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Pierre and I were walking hand in hand through the paddock. No one was taking pictures or yelling at us while we laughed and talked about what we would be having for dinner. Charles was there too with Carlos, Lando and Daniel were cracking jokes at the expense of the boys in red.

I was with my friends.

George appeared and began discussing the upcoming race with Daniel. Then Lewis was there too, grinning at Pierre and me.

"Hey love birds lets go!"

Love birds? I hadn't told Lewis...What was going–




My eyes flew open to reveal the dark hotel room and the clock on my bedside table informed me that it was five o'clock in the morning. That's when I noticed my laptop screen was lit up with a call from May. I climbed to the foot of my bed and reached for the computer then retreated to the pillows.  The screen went dark with a missed call, so after turning on the lamp, I got everything settled and called May back.

"Good morning E! That feels weird to say here cause I am about to go to sleep." She laughed and I couldn't even try to fake amusement this early. "So, I just wanted to ask you about what's going on with Pierre Gasly?" The mention of his name caught my attention and I sat just a little straighter.

"Nothing is going on May. We're just being civil. All the guys left me on Friday and I happened to run into him in the elevator and he gave me a ride to the circuit."

"Okay well...that may be true but, there are some whispers on the gossip sites."

"What kind of whispers?" There was an edge to my voice that was becoming a trademark.

"Just that you and Pierre could be...more than friends."

It was too early for me to be thinking about this.

"May I– I don't know what to do. Ever since the George rumors, I feel like I can't just have my friends. I'm honestly baffled that people haven't suspected that I'm dating Lando or Daniel at this point."

"Look E, all you have to do is shift the conversation. Maybe if you had a song...we could release that and pull the focus back onto you."

"I don't know May. It just feels like no matter what I do, I'm never going to win."

"Eva, I didn't call to stress you out or anything. Just think on it and give me a call when you want to talk about where we go from here okay?" I just nodded at her. "Tell Lewis good luck from me and have fun at the race today. It looks like rain." The screen went dark and I was left alone with my reflection.

May had been right, the sky was a dark gray when I arrived at the track with Lewis and George. My brother had been quick to offer his black team jacket for me to wear in case the forecast was correct and the circuit got some rain. Both Mercedes drivers veered off towards the garage and I mentioned that I would be heading down the paddock to wish my friends good luck. Carlos was about to pulled in by Sky Sports for an interview so I hurried to give him a short hug and a quiet,

"Buena suerte." The Spaniard grinned and nodded at my attempt. As I continued the walk, I spotted both McLaren boys. Lando smiled and jogged over to where I stood.

"I have to say, I don't like the Mercedes merch but...I guess I can accept it."

"Good luck Lan, and you too Danny." The Australian lifted me up and I laughed as we spun.

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