Singapore, Wednesday 13th

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We landed in Singapore, and the jet lag hit me like a truck. I had spent Monday in Italy fielding phone calls from May and Tuesday packing for this next leg of the trip. May and I had patched things pretty well...after I got chewed out for the song.

"What the hell is this Eva?"

"You wanted a song right?" I grinned into the phone.

"This is not what I meant."

"It tells the story...a broken-hearted woman right? That's what I am?"

"E, we can't do this. It doesn't make sense. "I've been missing you for so long listening to our song'? You and George were only photographed together for less than a month. I-I just...where did you even find time to write this?"

"You were the one who told me it didn't have to be about him." She choked on whatever she'd been drinking.

"Who is it about then? E this is personal!" I took a deep breath and thought about the best way to answer her.

"May, it isn't about anyone in particular. It's just a song I wrote one night and liked the sound of it." I was lying, but she didn't have to know that. "You said you were gonna push it out Friday, so don't let the fans down May."

"What about George? This is not going to go over well for him."

"Well since he hasn't reached out since those photos were published...and none of these headlines look bad for him I think he's going to be fine."

"You're lucky the team already put out the countdown. Bye E."

"Bye May!"

It had been an easy flight, but we were all feeling the jet lag. The post from my team had already caught the attention of many gossip sites.

Evangeline Hamilton breaks her silence...what does this announcement mean for the paddock?

There are always two sides to the story, what will we learn from Evangeline Hamilton's?

I Immediately pre-saved this new song! Here's why...

We decided to sleep off the jet lag and didn't wake up until around lunch the next day. Daniel had grabbed groceries and was already working in the kitchen.

"Good morning sleepy-heads!" His grin and the music breathed some energy into Lando and my bodies. "I invited Charles and Carlos over for a little brunch, they're going to be here in a few minutes." That sent Lando and me into a full blown frenzy. I hurried to change into something that wasn't my childish pajama set and had barely finished when I heard the monegasque and spaniard enter and a door closing behind them. Lando and I walked to the kitchen together and greeted the Ferrari boys. We exchanged stories about the flight here and what we had planned for the week ahead.

"Eva I saw your announcement, does it have anything to do with George?" Charles asked lightly. Lando's head snapped to me waiting for an answer.

"Not really...I mean, him and Carmen were it, I don't think he ever got over her. So honestly I'm happy for George." Four pairs of eyes were fixed on me, two held understanding and the others showed sadness.

"Okay, enough about that. Eva's sad, hates Carmen and is so broken-hearted she can hardly stand. Let's finish the cooking and eat." Daniel's commentary never failed to bring a smile to my face. He hit play, and music began pumping through the speakers again. I joined Charles, Carlos and Daniel in our designated cooking area while Lando took a seat at the counter. I had learned a few years ago that Lando could NOT be trusted in the kitchen. He'd attempted to make Avocado toast but we ended up with black bread, mushy avocado and cumin instead of pepper.

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