Singapore, September 13th 2022

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Pierre and the Ferrari boys had left after a few rounds of Mario Kart (which Charles somehow won each time) and a short text from Lando, informing me that he and Daniel were on their way back. The McLaren drivers entered our apartment and Lando held a bag which produced my favorite ice cream.

"I know you didn't get to have it before we left Italy so I just wanted to extend an olive branch." He struggled to meet my gaze,

"I didn't even realize we were fighting." We grinned and Daniel let out a long sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god, I can't handle it when you two are mad at each other." We talked for a bit about their days and then decided to head to bed early. As I was getting ready, my phone rang and Lewis's face filled the screen. Quickly jumping into bed, I answered with a smile.

"Hey big bro,"

"Well hey little sis." I could hear the smile in his voice as well.

"What are you up to?"

"I assumed you'd be heading to bed soon so I thought I'd call before heading to work out. How has it been? I hope the papaya boys are good hosts."

"Always are, we went karting this morning." I could hear him trying to hold back laughter. "Hey! I've gotten better."

"I'd hope so. I remember the first time we went, you spun out into the tires so bad I had to come and undo your belt cause you were crying so hard. Then we went and got ice cream to make you feel better."

"Yeah yeah yeah..." I rested my head against the headboard.

"Has everything been okay Evie? I just mean, it seems like there's been something bothering you at the tracks recently." The line went silent for a second and I didn't know what to say. "I've been wanting to bring it up, but I just didn't know how to go about it. I know I wasn't really around while you were growing up and going through the first phase of boys, but I just want you to know that I'm here now." Tears stung my eyes as I thought back to the years I wished Lewis or Nicholas would be around to talk about those problems.

"I– I mean everything has been fine. I've been stressed recently about the single getting released today but other than that, I've been fine."

"You know, you'd definitely be more convincing if you didn't use 'fine' in every sentence. But, you're not a little kid anymore, so if this is how you wanna handle it...I'm going to support you." I stared at the wall and thought about what it would be like to just tell him everything. But, that wasn't going to happen. "I saw George yesterday. He said he has wanted to reach out, but didn't know how, especially after the announcement of your single."

"Well he had every opportunity to contact me, even before the announcement." I could hear the anger seeping into my voice.

"I know Evie, I'm always going to be on your side." Silence fell between us again. "Look I'm almost at the gym, but I just wanted to touch base with you, see how you were doing. I'm really excited to listen to the song tonight just so you know." That did make me smile.

"Hey Lewis, before you go..."

"Yeah Evie?"

"Um...what if it's not good? What if people don't like it?"

"Well, I know that won't be the case. But, then we regroup, get ice cream and get started on the next one. That's all you can do when you get knocked down. Love you sis, let me know if you need anything."

"Will do, love you Lewis." The call ended and I rested the phone next to me. Then I crawled under the covers and tried to find sleep.

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