Japan, October 9th 2022

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"What the hell E!" May's voice squealed through the receiver.

"May I–"

"You were supposed to tell me when you had a new song, not just go and post a video to your instagram."

"May, I didn't even have it written yet! It just...came to me during the race today." After Gasly's close call with the tractor, I couldn't bring myself to go back and sit with Toto. I had found a quiet spot in Lewis's drivers' room and the words just started flowing on the page. I also found the electric keyboard in Lewis's closet that I had stashed at the beginning of the season.

"E...you told me that you wanted to get away from these rumors! That snippet you posted just caused a storm all over the gossip sites. I mean come on, 'IF ONE OF US DIES I HOPE I DIE FIRST?'"

"May those lyrics could be about anyone."

"But you and I both know they're not. And, it's only a matter of time before everyone else figures it out too." My manager let out a long breath and I could tell she was exhausted.

"May...if you don't mind me asking, what do the numbers look like?" A smile began to form on my lips that felt wrong in the moment.

"The clip already has almost two hundred thousand views, fifty thousand likes and twenty thousand comments. And your single numbers have skyrocketed on streaming services as well."

"Wow May, you could at least try to sound happy about that."

"I would be happy E if I had been in on it and not scrambling around like I'm running damage control." For the briefest moment I could've sworn she was smiling through the phone as well.

"Okay, I can understand that." I thought for a moment, "so what are the rumors saying?"

"Just more questions about if you're dating one of the drivers. They're few and far between but some are saying the release of your...video and Pierre Gasly's almost accident could be related. But, those ones aren't getting much traction. Some are also saying that the song is about having your best friends and brother race in the most dangerous sport on four wheels...or something like that. Those are the comments receiving the most interactions." I nodded to myself and released a small breath. Then a knock sounded at the door,

"May, can I call you back? There's someone at my door."

"Okay sounds good E...just if you're going to make any more rash decisions maybe just call and give me a heads up before I see it in the press."

"Alright May, talk to you soon." The line went silent as I stood and hurried to the door. I didn't think to check the peephole and instead threw the hotel door wide open.

His arms were around me before I had time to think about who it was.

"I–I'm so sorry I got pulled away earlier. I tried to find you before the race resumed but you weren't in the garage so I–" his voice quavered in my ear. 

Pierre. Pierre was here in my room. Pierre was apologizing here in my room. Pierre was alive and apologizing here in my room.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and moved away so I could look at his face.

"Gasly...Gasly hey, you need to breath just breath." I watched as his chest rose and fell quickly and his eyes darted around my room.

"I–can't, I don't know why. I haven't felt like this since...since after Anthoine." Saying his friend's name must have sparked something because he began pacing. "I'm sorry for coming here, I just didn't want to be around the guys and I couldn't go and talk strategy. I–I had nowhere else to go. I'm sorry Gige." His rambling continued until I finally closed the distance, took his head in my hands and kissed him.

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