The Promise

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Hope's Pov

"When I agreed to this trip no one said anything about a boat. Of all the ways to get to England we where going by ferry? What's wrong with plane or even a magic flying carpet or something?" I asked as Josie Lizzie and Caroline tried to pry me from the car.

"Are you afraid of boats?" Lizzie laughed.

"You would be too if you couldn't die. If you go overboard and drown then you just die. I just drown endlessly." I explained.

"Hope I'll be with you the entire time. Plus we are already on the boat. Do you honestly think a car will save you from drowning?" Josie asked.

I sighed letting go of the handle. All of us headed for the stairs when I gripped Josie's hand tightly. She gave me a small smile as we sat down at a table. A waiter came over with a menu for drinks.

"Bourbon. A bottle. Make it three actually." I demanded.

"Can I see some idea?" The waiter asked.

I looked deep into his eyes. "I am old enough to drink. Just go get me four bottles of bourbon." I said compelling him.

It didn't take long for him to come back with the bourbon. The others ordered drinks. I just opened the first bottle and started drinking right from it. Josie looked at me frowning.

"What? It helps with the whole blood lust thing. I've gotten used to vampires werewolves and witches but I haven't spent much time around humans and every single one of them look like blood bags." I defended.

It wasn't long before I was very very drunk. After that I don't exactly remember anything until the next morning. I woke up in my bed on the boat. That was a little odd because it was my bed from the school. I got to the door and found it locked. I managed to knock it down. When I saw Josie Lizzie and Caroline tied up with three men above the ropes holding them on the boat. I saw my father standing above those men.

"Chose one my littlest wolf. There can only be one. You cannot protect all of them no matter how much you care for them." My dad said.

When the lines Where cut i quickly reacted. I grabbed the rope with Josie on it. But when I looked down I saw Caroline. I screamed.

That was when I woke up. I was still screaming and crying. I was trying to get free of the arms holding my tightly. But it was the voice that made me stop.

"Hope it's ok. It's ok." Josie had said softly.

I turned to her and hugged her tightly. The tears fell from my eyes. I didn't want to ever let go.

"Please don't leave me." I begged.

"Hope I'm not going anywhere. What happened in that dream?" Josie asked.

I told her. As I told her I couldn't help but break down again. As I looked at Josie I realized she wasn't judging me at all if anything she was just worried.

"I'm sorry Hope. But it was a dream. For one I don't think you're dad would cause you pain like that not on purpose. And second that never happened. I'm ok. My mom is ok. My sister is ok. All of us are ok Hope. I think you should go back to bed. I'm craving a cheeseburger." Josie said.

I slammed her to the wall by her neck. My eyes where burning gold and black. My fangs broke through. I was pissed.

"Hope what are you." Josie choked.

"Josie is vegetarian so who the hell are you?" I growled.

The girl smirked as she transformed back. It was Penelope Park. I growled loudly as Josie came in.

"Penelope what are you. Hope? What's going on?" Josie asked.

"She pretended to be You. When I woke up from a nightmare. She would have gotten away with it until she mentioned a cheeseburger. What the hell do you want Penelope?" I growled.

"Josie. I want Josie back. It was a mistake leaving her. A mistake I won't make again. Not by choice so I'm staying on this boat." Penelope said.

"I don't think so." I growled.

I dragged her by her hair towards the edge of the boat. When Lizzie and Caroline came over they frowned.

"Hope what are you doing?" Lizzie asked.

"Taking out the trash." I growled as I tossed Penelope over the edge.

I turned around and saw Josie scowling at me and I sighed as I tossed the float over the edge. It didn't take long for her to be out of sight. When everything settled down I was back in my room. But Josie hadn't left.

"So that nightmare what was it about?" Josie asked.

I didn't want to break down again. When I thought about it what Penelope said it most likely what Josie would have said.

"You left me. When Penelope was acting like you she promised to never me. Of course that was for you." I explained.

"Well I'm not going anywhere. Not tonight." Josie promised.

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