Ice Cream

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Hope's Pov

Waking up to your girlfriend's sister screaming is horrible on a normal day. Waking up to your girlfriends sister screaming while you are both naked with your girlfriends strap on still inside you is even worse.

"What the hell? Don't you put a sock on the door when you fuck or something? Maybe next time spell the fucking door shut or something god!" Lizzie shouted loudly.

"Lizzie shut up." Josie mumbled turning over in her sleep.

I let out a soft moan when her strap on was pulled out. I was sore but in a great way. I honestly missed the feeling of her being inside me. God why did Lizzie have to walk in here?

Josie kissed me and casted a spell making the strap on disappear and get dressed. A spell I wished I knew because when Josie stood up some of the blanket fell down and I quickly grabbed it holding it to my chest.

"Lizzie leave! I need to change!" I shouted.

When she finally left I scowled at a smirking Josie as I got dressed. The only thing I couldn't find was a clean shirt. Josie tossed me a large hoodie and I quickly put it on. It was Josie's hoodie and it was huge. Why do I have to be so short. I put the hood up and bundled up the sleeves in my fist.

"You look adorable." Josie smiled kissing me softly.

"It's like I'm inside a giant. It goes down to my knees." I pouted.

"Don't worry it looks great. Now let's go downstairs." Josie demanded.

I sighed and followed her downstairs. Caroline had made breakfast and left some for us. There was a note on the fridge saying she would be back soon. I ran to the bathroom. When I got back Josie looked at me before quickly rushing to me as my family watched.

"Are you ok?!" Josie asked.

"I'm fine I just. Had my you know." I mumbled.

"Oh. Do you need anything?" Josie questioned.

"Ice cream. Peanut butter blast ice cream." I smiled.

"Ok. I'll get it. Take it easy." Josie said before kissing my check and leaving.

Josie's pov

Why did it have to be so hard to find peanut butter blast ice cream? Seven stores I've already been to seven stores and not one has the fucking ice cream! There is no way I'm going back without it either. I once saw Hope toss someone out of a window at the mystic grill for not having a shake of the same flavor. When they told her there was no whipped cream either after she calmed down. Well my mom had to step in and even she had trouble controlling Hope. And at that time Hope wasn't even a werewolf yet. I doubt her period as a wolf and a vampire probably isn't much better for her mood.

I walked into a store as someone walked to the counter with the ice cream. I sighed and went to the back to find none. I quickly went to the counter.

"Please tell me you have more peanut butter blast ice cream!" I shouted.

"No. Sorry we just sold our last one I think." The guy said.

I gripped him by the neck.

"Listen I have been to seven stores looking for this ice cream. My girlfriend is on her period and likely to tear my head off of my shoulders if I don't have it when I go back. So you better go search the back before you say you have none or I'll be leaving and you'll have no head!" I growled.

I quickly shoved him backwards and when he ran into the back I felt bad. But when he came back with some ice cream I sighed. I quickly bought it after apologizing and got back home. Just as I walked inside the ice cream dropped on the floor. Everyone stopped moving and looked at Hope. Her eyes went gold and black and she speed at me making everyone move away. I gasped when she pulled me to the couch. I was kind of shocked when she laid down and cuddled up to me.

"I missed you." Hope said before falling to sleep.

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