Heart to heart

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Josie's Pov

Hope was still passed out on my bed. I knew she wouldn't wake up anytime soon unless I forced her to so I went downstairs to grab some breakfast. When I came back with Hope's breakfast on a small tray I heard a loud crash in my bedroom. I quickly ran inside to see Kol groaning on the floor.

"Still tired got it." Kol groaned.

I set the tray down on the table and sat down next to Hope on the bed. I started softly rubbing her arm and she moaned. I sighed and kissed her check. Her eyes fluttered opened and she yawned. She smiled up at me as she sat up.

"I made you some breakfast." I said.

"Hmm. Pancakes. Uncle Kol why are you on the floor?" Hope asked confused.

"Oh you know just hanging out. Very very painfully." Kol said sliding down to the floor so he was laying flat on the floor.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. After Hope ate and we finally got Kol off my bedroom floor Hope immediately wanted to cuddle. She grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed before cuddling up to me.

"Hope all we have done is cuddle for like six days. Shouldn't we do something else at some point?" I laughed.

"No. Cuddles." Hope demanded cutely.

Why on earth did this side of her have to be so damn cute? How on earth do I say no to that? She knows I can't her smirk says it all. But still she was so adorable it drove me up the wall. That is when Lizzie barged in.

"Six days! Six days you two have been laying in here! I swear to god if your fucking all this time I'm going to kill both of you!" Lizzie yelled.

"Relax Lizzie. I couldn't fuck her even if I wanted to. She's on her period." I sighed.

"Gross and I thought she was dead." Lizzie frowned.

"I am. But I can still have kids. We weren't sure at first until I had my period. When I finally did have it it took about three months. My body had to heal first." Hope explained.

"Anyway  that isn't even close to what we have been doing the last six days. It's been Hope holding me hostage in my own room." I chuckled.

"Your not a hostage. But if Lizzie tries to take you from me I'll tear her lungs out. With my teeth." Hope growled.

Her eyes went a deep gold and a dark black. She started growling. I sighed. Hope wouldn't talk about it but she had been having nightmares almost nightly. Every night she would wake up gasping. Or stay asleep but shake. She would never make a noise.

"Lizzie leave I need to talk with Hope." I said.

"Josie I just want to." Lizzie started.

"I said leave! You can come back later I promise but this is important!" I snapped.

"Ok. Sorry." Lizzie frowned.

I knew I would have to explain why I got so mad later but for right now my focus was on what Hope was hiding.

"What are those dreams about Hope?" I asked.

"Dreams what dreams?" Hope questioned.

"Don't lie to me Hope! Every night you have a nightmare and it's clearly been bothering you so what the hell are they about?!" I snapped.

Hope sighed. She let go of me and sat up. She wouldn't even look me in the eye.

"Every night. I see us. Just doing random things. When someone comes. Someone powerful. Someone strong enough to stop me. They kill you in front of me and there is nothing I can do. Not a single thing. I beg and I scream when that becomes clear. I offer my life instead and nothing. It's why I like staying alone with you everyday. So I know what's real and what's not." Hope explained.

"Hope I'm not going to die by someone moron killing me. I'm stronger then you think and we are stronger together. So don't let dreams bother you. Because I won't die so easily." I smirked.

Hope chuckled. "You right you're powerful. And their just just dreams. I just. I love you so much and the thought of losing you. It scares me so much." Hope sighed.

"I love you too Hope. And nothing is strong enough to split us up so quit worrying about us." I smiled.

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