The Kiss

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Josie's Pov

After everything that happened with Penelope, Hope slept until we reached England. She wouldn't tell me what her dream was really about but I had a feeling that the dream wasn't exactly hers. I know that Penelope can put dreams in people's heads if they aren't blocking her out. If Hope thought it was me then she was probably calmer then usual.

The second we got to England we saw our mom waiting on the port. Lizzie ran into my mom's arms and I just made sure Hope wasn't too far behind us. I finally got the chance to hug my mom.

"Hey Hope long time no see." My mom said.

"H...Hi. Th..Thanks for inviting me." Hope said nervously.

Was Hope afraid of my mom? She never seemed to be before but then again we weren't exactly a thing the last time she saw my mom. Are we even a thing now? Or a couple? I should ask Hope later.

"Hey so can we eat I'm hungry." Lizzie suggested.

"Lizzie you just ate on the boat." I said.

"So? It takes a lot of work to look this good and one of them is a proper meal." Lizzie growled.

I quickly moved behind Hope. I saw Hope look around for a place to hide. When Lizzie got that look in her eyes there wasn't a person on earth that didn't fear her. Even our mom sometimes hid from her.

"Lizzie. Come on let's grab some ice cream." My mom said softly.

Lizzie calmed down right away. Her eyes lit up. I sighed. If someone mentioned ice cream Lizzie usually relaxed but if they lied about ice cream it became much worse. Thankfully our mom took us to this ice cream shop around the corner.

"Hope do you want anything?" My mom asked.

"No thank you." Hope responded.

After we all ordered we sat down at this little bench. When Hope took a scoop of my ice cream I just smiled and let her eat as much of it as she wanted. My mom laughed.

"If you want you're own Hope I can go get you some more." My mom said.

"No thank you. I'm good stealing Josie's." Hope answered.

I glared at her. I mean it was cute and all but stealing my ice cream? When she smiled eating my ice cream I melted.

It was about an hour before we got to my mom's summer home. It was amazingly beautiful but still all I could do was stare at Hope. My mom smirked at me when Hope went to the bathroom.

"So what is going on between you and Hope?" My mom asked.

"Wh..what do you mean?" I asked shyly.

"I mean you haven't taken you're eyes off of her. She hasn't left you're side." My mom explained.

"I... She told me how she felt about me before we left it's when I invited her to join us in England. I told her I felt the same then we where about to kiss but Lizzie walked in and dragged me out. To go shopping if all things." I said.

"So are you two a couple or?" My mom asked.

"I don't know. We haven't exactly had a chance to talk about it. But I was going to talk to her in a bit when we where alone. Expect we haven't had the chance yet." I said.

"Well I'm about to take Lizzie out if you want to stay with Hope." My mom said.

My mom left with my sister before Hope came out. When she came out I could still only stare. What she was wearing didn't help much. She had on that schoolgirl skirt with a white crop top. Over that she had her usual leather jacket. If my jaw could drop to the floor it would have. I could no longer hold back. I grabbed Hope pinning her to the wall. She looked up at me in shock. As I crashed my lips to hers. She kissed back. She didn't show any signs of flipping us witch is odd for a wolf. When I pulled away I could see Hope's flush pink checks and I thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world.

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