The Morning After

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Hope's Pov

When you wake up to your girlfriends sister screaming because you're naked with a strap on inside you. Well it's pretty embarrassing.

I guess Lizzie had forgot to knock or at least we didn't hear it but thankfully Josie had wrapped us in a blanket the night before. Josie quickly moved off of me witch made me wish Lizzie was dead.

"You two fucked!" Lizzie yelled.

Well Caroline clearly heard that and most likely my family as well. Josie was beat read but I quickly casted a spell making Lizzie pass out. Josie looked at me.

"What she was getting on my nerves. Plus I would like to get dressed before dealing with this." I smirked.

"Your a pain sometimes you know that?" Josie sighed.

We both quickly got dressed hoping no one else heard it. But when we got downstairs followed by a very confused Lizzie we knew by the look on their faces they clearly heard Lizzie.

I sat next to Josie as we ate breakfast. My aunt Freya and Caroline sat down as the others left. They both looked at each other.

"We just wanted to. To say that there is nothing wrong with what you two did but. Even though your girls you can still get certain things like an STD." Caroline said.

"So just be safe." Freya frowned.

"Oh my god. I am not dealing with this." I gagged.

"Hope if you can't talk about it then you shouldn't be doing it." Freya growled.

"Oh I can talk about it. But I am not talking about it with you Aunt Freya. Or you Caroline. I'd rather tear my own eyes out. Hell I'd rather listen to Kol talk about this then both of you." I gagged.

They just sighed and left and I smirked. It had taken me forever to figure out Freya's weak spoke and that it figuring out Kol is better at something. Or at least thinking it anyway.

"Your cruel. Kol?" Josie asked.

"You have to know who your talking to. Freya thinks she's great at everything and Kol. Well is Kol. Mention him being better then well you know what happened." I smirked.

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