The perfect day

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Josie's POV

Cleaning up with the Mikaelsson's is not a great idea. For one they just make a bigger mess. Hope was too busy tossing her uncle to help Lizzie and I clean. So we finished hoping they would calm down enough to keep the place clean for at least a little while. When someone wrapped their arms around my waist.

"Hope I'm trying to clean." I smiled.

"I'll do it." Hope smirked.

Hope snapped her fingers and everything began to fly into place. It took about three seconds for the place to be cleaned. Lizzie and I glared.

"You could have done that the entire time?!" Lizzie yelled.

"Uh yeah. It's a really simple spell. What? You don't know it?" Hope frowned.

"No! Or I would have used it!" Lizzie snapped.

Hope didn't seem too bothered by Lizzie yelling or being mad at her. She just spent the time holding me tightly witch was actually really nice. When I noticed her family staring at her I got a little worried. I managed to get Hope to let go and the only reason that happened was I asked her to get me some food.

"Ok what's wrong?" I sighed.

"She's on her period." Freya said.

"What? But I thought." I gasped.

"She's dead yes. But we weren't sure if she could have children then she had her period." Rebekah explained.

"But you know human women turn into complete psychos on their period. Hope has the emotions of a wolf and a vampire. Plus her period. So. Anyway up for a hotel?" Kol laughed.

The next thing I knew her entire family was packing bags and running out the door. How are the most powerful people afraid of a girl on her period? That's when I saw Hope standing in the doorway tears in her eyes. She started crying and she hugged me tightly. I slowly slid my hand on her back because it always calmed her.

"They're afraid of me. They hate me." Hope sobbed.

"No not at all. They just thought the place was way too crowded lately. They are staying at a hotel to give you and I some space." I lied.

Hope looked up at me smiling. Her entire mood had changed. Most people would freak but I was kind of happy. She looked so sad.

"Really?! Can we play video games?! Or you can read to me!" Hope said happily.

"How about I read to you?" I sighed.

Hope sat there as I read. When I finished an entire book she asked for another. I read to her for hours until she fell asleep. Hope had to be the cutest thing on the planet because the second she fell asleep she started mumbling my name. All I could do was smile as I fell asleep.

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