Mario Kart

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Hope's pov

Josie woke up smiling as she turned over. When she saw my freaked out face she frowned. I quickly got up diving for my clothes shoving them on.

"What happened last night? The last thing I remember is our fight and drinking. A lot. Did we." I frowned.

"Oh my god. You where blacked out?! I didn't know. I should have stopped it. I just thought. I didn't even know you could black out. God I'm a horrible person." Josie gasped.

"No. Look I just. It takes a little while for my memory to come back but it will. But what happened?" I sighed.

I calmed a little realizing if I got mad Josie would freak out and feel horrible.

"I told you the truth. That girl was a mistake and that I was never letting you go in the first place. You kissed me and it kind of got. Hotter." Josie explained.

"Look I. Last night I wanted to tell you how I felt. But when I saw you with that girl I wanted to. I wanted to tear her apart for touching you. I don't want to lose you Josie and I thought pushing you away was the only way I could save you. But I lost you anyway or I think I did." I choked.

"You didn't lose me. Sure I was mad and I saw that girl one night. If you can forgive me for that then I'll forgive you. But I. Don't ever leave me again you understand me?" Josie said.

"Yeah. Look I um. I've got to go. I promised I would grab breakfast with my aunt." I sighed.

About four hours later Josie came back from shopping with her mom. My family and I where on the couch playing Mario Kart.

"Uncle Kol if you pass me one more time I'll tear you hands off!" I yelled mashing buttons on the controller.

"Freya!!! Magic is cheating!!!" Rebekah screamed.

Lizzie laughed and we all turned. When we turned back Kol had won. Freya and I used magic to toss him at the same time so he kind of went flying a little too rough.

"And that is why you never play Mario Kart with a Mikaelsson. They are all way too competitive." Caroline chuckled.

"Hey! We've only killed like 90% of the people who beat us. The rest only spent like a year in the hospital." Rebekah scowled.

Josie laughed kissing my check. "You have a good day love?" I questioned.

"Of course. Did you win?" Josie asked.

"No! Because Uncle Kol is a god damn cheater!! I want a rematch!!!" I yelled loudly.

"Hey hey. No! I doubt my house can take this shit. One more person goes flying I'll toss you all into each other." Caroline growled.

"Fine. We'll go clean up." We all mumbled.

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