Chapter 6

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Jessica POV

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After yesterday’s encounter with young master’s mother I can see why he wasn’t so ecstatic about her surprise return.

I hate everything about her yesterday, from her judgmental stares to her unnecessary insults. I think it would actually kill her to be nice for once.

Shortly after if not immediately as I stepped foot on the compound was my name been whispered from one ear to another.

My name moved from the lips of the maidservants and glided through the air like a piece of paper as it flew passed one ear to another.

I knew already what was being spoken about me, however, it didn’t make me any less uneasy of the stares and murmurs as I made my way in search of the young master.

After many turned corners I found him in the dinning room eating his breakfast without a care in the world, as if he didn’t have less than five minutes until it’s time for his tutoring.

“Good Morning young master. I’m afraid you don’t have much time left to devour all that is on your plate at the moment. You only have one minute remaining before it’s time for your home schooling”

“Very well then” was the only respond I got before the young master got up from his seat with his plate still in hand and made his way to what I’m guessing is the room designed for his teaching and I was right.

The room had everything a normal classroom would have, it has a board, chairs and desk and he was even fortunate to have a type writer.

“Mathew, I don’t think it’s appropriate or wise for you to be eating while learning at the same time. So I’m going to ask you kindly to please put the food away” I said politely and professional as possible.

“Who told you, you could call me by my first name” he asked as if I had just committed the most disgusting sin he has ever seen or heard of. I scoffed internally, of course that was all he could care about.

With a smug smile intact I answered him, “ No one actually. It was stated in the list of do’s and don’t ‘s on the rules paper that was given to me by your father” well…basically the permission was given by his father.

“You can have a look at it if you want. That is if you can read what’s on there” I continued well aware of my mocking tone.

“How disrespectful of you to speak to me that way. Have you forgotten that you’re below me? I am your master I have the power, show some respect while you still can” Matthew growled his ego was clearly bruised.

“No, you see Matthew, inside this little room here does make a massive difference because inside here I’m the teacher and you’re just the student. Which means, I hold the power and I get to call you whatever I want and you’re the one who respect me. I’m no longer your servant so there is no need to call you young master anymore” I said, folding my arms and smirking even harder.

“Now I demand you do what I say before I have to go to your father and inform him of your insubordination” I finalized taking a seat and awaiting his next words and moves.

As expected he took a seat and covered his meal. Now that is more I like it, “What is our first topic?” he asked forcefully. Now that is more I like it.

“Psychology” I chirped.

There wasn’t much I knew about psychology but I do know a little something worth sharing.

It was two hours into Matthew’s lecture and he still couldn’t grasp simple concepts I don’t know what I was thinking trying to teach him something so complex.

I should have just started off with something easy like English not that it is too late to change topic, I am the teacher after all. I make the rules.

“So you’re saying that the first stage in Eric Erickson’s developmental theory, Trust versus Mistrust explains why I don’t really trust my parents or anyone else for that matter? And it's because since birth until age one they may or may not have given me enough attention or care…so basically they neglected me then?” Matthew asked his voice stained with disbelief.

“correct. I’m glad to see you’re not completely dense. “ I face palmed. I had already moved on from Erickson’s theory and was now unto Freud’s. Only to find out that Matthew was still stuck at the first stage in Erickson’s theory.

I thought he had understood and knew all that already but at least he remembered something from all the information I dumped on him.

I’m not quite sure if this teaching was my calling at all. It is just a few hours and he has managed to drain the life out of me already .

“Judging by your tone I am sure you think this theory is very much rubbish but hey it’s a theory, some will agree with it, others won’t but if you think you can come up with a better theory to explain development then I encourage you to give it a shot.” I said giving him fake thumbs up.

I doubt he can even come up with pseudoscience much less a great theory. Though one can never be too sure..

“You are right  Erickson’s theory does sound a little like rubbish but it is interesting what these men have concluded based on experiments and observations.” I was silenced for a while not expecting something so sensible to come from the lips of Matthew.

Maybe there was more to him than he shows. Maybe just maybe he has potential for greatness and great things.

“So this is what is going to happen clearly you aren’t ready for this topic so let’s move back a little to something more…suited for you and your brain to comprehend “ I worded that sentence as nicely as I possible could but yet I have this feeling it was still very insulting.

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