Chapter Ten

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     Zemela's POV:-)         

"My house?" He asked once we stepped out of the teachers lounge.
"I have work" I told him walking away
"Great!" He yelled running after me, does he have to act so childish? I rolled my eyes for no particular reason.

I walked towards Skyler's car, with Bryson Griffin walking behind me like some obedient child, Sadiki was leaning on his car that was parked beside Skyler's.

Sadiki's expression changed at the sight of the human being behind me, I'm sure the jerk is smiling.

"...hey Amin" his voice cheery like we're all friends, how does he even know Sadiki?
"Hey...Bryson" Skyler smiled rubbing her hair, she can't be serious, flirting with Bryson Griffin is a NO!

"I have to go to work with..." My eyes thrilled to the person beside me, "so I'll see you guys tomorrow" I gave my best friends my best smile.
"Be safe" Sadiki said looking at Bryson Griffin carefully, he must hate him so much.

"Bye girlfriend" Skyler smiled, she sneaked a look at Bryson Griffin, "Bye Bryson" she bit her bottom lip, she did not just do that! What is wrong with her? Bryson Griffin looks unbothered as always, he smiles back at her liking what she's doing.

I nodded at Bryson Griffin, he led the way to his car, his fancy sport car, I've never been in sport car, never. Most of Bryson Griffin's cars are sport cars.... Skyler doesn't own a sport car, Sadiki doesn't bring his to school, I like his low-key nature.

God please coordinate my nerves....
"Don't runie her" Sadiki yelled after us, runie me? What does he mean by runie me? I did a double take at Sadiki, he mouthed 'be safe nerdy' what's going on?

\/   \/. \/.

"Seat belt on mama" Bryson Griffin grinned, how dear he?

"I'm not your mama boy" I tell him doing as I was told, the seats are cold against my skin, the interior is a bright rich red screaming "YO I'M A RICH SPOILT ASS NIGGA WHO WASTES MONEY ON BUYING CARS JUST CAUSE MY DADDY HAS THE MONEY!"

"Nervous?" He asked ignoring me, a hint of teasing in his voice.
"Do I look nervous?" I asked him acting like I ain't nervous, I'm literally freaking out! Skyler has told about Bryson Griffin and his sport cars, how fast he drives and how he plays the music loud while at it.

"You're a terrible actress" he chuckled pulling out of the parking space, 'his parking space' the popular jerks have reserved parking spaces.

I ignored him, I have more important things to do, important things like trying to act all cool, who was I deceiving? Bryson Griffin knows I'm nervous, I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't because he drove off in full speed, like full speed, the fullest speed ever, the windows were down, the wind blowing like crazy, I closed my eyes to hold back my scream I couldn't hold it back anymore, I opened my out and screamed like death was before me.

Bryson Griffin stopped the car and started laughing like a lunatic, fuck him.

I spoke up irritated by his laughter, "you did that on purpose" it was a statement not a question, because he did.

He pointed at my hair laughing harder, he held out his phone and started taking pictures, Oh no! My hair is a mess! I looked through the mirror, the wind scattered my hair.

"Stop laughing or I'll leave" I said trying to open the door, where the fuck is the handle?

"I_I'm__so__s__sorr__y" he laughed, he put a hand over his mouth trying to control his laughter.

He nodded not wanting to open his mouth, "delete the pictures" I ordered him, he got serious, "never!" He smiled, "those are piece of art" he told me running his hand through his hair.

His face was red from laughter, he should have choked to death!

He kept staring at me, "what?" I asked irritated.
"You sure have a temper" he shook his head, "where are we going?" He asked me, ohhh true!

"Mateo's Cafe" I tell me, he nodded, "... don't you dare!" I glared at him before he even speed up again he raised his hand in surrender. I occupied myself with the environment as he drove in silence.

   ~~~.      ~~~.       ~~~

Bryson's POV;-)

Messing with Zemela is becoming a hobby for me, I just love her face when she's annoyed.

Yesterday was fun, I gave her a hell of a time, from calling her stupid names to changing orders. The picture I took of her terrified face is so cute, it'll be my wallpaper, HA!

I can't imagine the tantrum Fauna would throw when she sees it, little jealous brat.

"Morning son" my mom greeted as I settled for breakfast, I didn't even notice her sitting there I was too busy setting Zemela's picture as my wallpaper, the smile on my lips disappeared as I looked up to her, she had her regular morning house coat on, she still looks like the last time I saw her, her perfectly trimmed brown hair sat on her shoulder, I hate that I look a little bit like her.
"When did you come back?" I questioned her serving myself, my parents are not the staying at home type, they're typical business parents.

"Yesterday" she smiled, she expected a "oh good morning momma, I missed you" Pft..that would have happened if I were still seven not now.

"'re leaving when?" I raised an eye brow, I look more like my dad minus the attitude that's definitely my mom.

"That's no way to speak to your mother boy" Nana scoulded, I leaned back on my chair, I respect Nana alot, she has been the one with me since my memory knew what rememberance was.

"How are your grades now?" My mother asked...the only thing they know how to ask about is my grades, no one cares how I'm feeling.

I ignored her enjoying my hash brown and black coffee, Nana poked me nodding at my mom.

God! Nana can be annoying.
"....I expect an answer son" my mother spoke before I could think of an answer to give her.

"Good" I smiply said.

"Good? Jase said a different thing"
"Since you know, why ask me?" I asked my voice harsher than intended.

"You still miss classes Bryson" she started..not again, "....I thought we discussed this, why would you be missing classes, can't you be like Fauna and Regg___" that's it I'm not taking it anymore "can't you get good grades like Fauna and Reggie" is all my mom has to offer, I stood up hastily making the chair produce an irritating sound.

"Good bye nana" I bowed slightly walking away, Nana knew better than to tell me to stay.

"We'll have this discussion when you get back" she said standing up from her chair, I won't come back to discuss shit, I'll crash at Nolan's.

"We'll see" I said loud enough for her to hear me.


What's up guys 😊?

Short chapter?
Me sorry 😊

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Who likes Bryson's mother?

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VotE 🐽

CommenT 🐽
SharE 🐽

Thank you so much.
I hope you like this book.

See y'all 😊

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