Chapter 5: Confirmation

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Buckys POV:

It's been about a week since I arrived. Being in the compound was definitely different. It is taking me a while to adjust.

If it had been back before the way, Old Bucky would have adjusted pretty quickly to being a 'hero.' But now, I just don't see myself that way.

I am trying though.

I am trying to actually talk to people, to be a part of this family.

But one thing that has mainly been on my mind, is that girl.

Who is she? Why did no one bat an eye when an empty elevator opened, and a few minutes later was called back to the floor?

It was like, to everyone else, this was just a normal thing.

I really kept thinking, maybe I am losing my mind.

But then I remember seeing a sliver of a figure while the doors closed, that image kept me grounded, telling me, no I was not crazy.

"Steve?" I said as I walked into the kitchen, seeing Steve looking over some files.

"What's up, Buck?" He said while lifting his eyes from the document he was reading.

"How many people live here?"

Steve scrunched his eyebrows at my question, he shot me a quick look of confusion before returning to looking at the paperwork.

"Like in general? Including regular agents? Or like, the team?" He said as he licked his finger and flipped the page.

"Um, the team I guess."

"Some people only stay here when they work late, but I'd say... about 8?"

"So, who exactly?"

Steve put the papers in his hand down, looking at the ceiling, seemingly in thought.

"Well Clint only stays after a long mission, so he's not here all the time. Wanda and Vision. But I don't exactly know if Vision is classified as a person or not, so I don't know if he really counts. Peter's stayed a few times but his aunt prefers him to go home. There is me, you. Nat and Bruce. Tony stays here a lot. And... Yeah, that's about everyone."

I shook my head in understanding.

"Okay, thanks," I said while turning around to leave.

"Oh, and y/n," Steve said.

I don't think I have ever turned on my heels fast enough.


Steve seemed startled at my sudden reaction and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yea? What about her?" He said with a confused tone.

"Anything?" I said like he should have understood my confusion.

"She's.... Nice?" He said it as if he wasnt sure what I wanted to hear.

I rolled my eyes.

"Have I seen her?"

"I don't know, have you?"

"No, I wasn't even fully sure, until just now that she actually existed."

Steve let out a little laugh.

"Oh, my bad man. I guess I've just gotten so used to it that I didn't think about how confused you must have been."

I just blinked my eyes at him.

"Yeah, she does this sometimes. She's a very shy person. She can turn invisible. Though, she wasnt doing it around us anymore for a while. She's probably just a little nervous because you are new. She'll come around."

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