Chapter 13: He Didn't Miss

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"Um, did anyone just see Hulk jumping through the air with Y/n, like King Kong climbing the empire state building?"

Tony's voice echoed through comms.

"Okay, you saw that too. Thought I was hallucinating." Clint said in reply.

I was just wrapping up my interaction with Hulk, before he headed off in another direction.

As soon as I turned around to do the same, Sam was landing directly infront of me.

"What the hell was that?" He said between laughs.

"My new best friend."

He grabbed his belly and laughed.

"Sam, I need you to keep this safe."

I said as I reached into my pocket and took out the red book, The Winter Soldier Book.

It wasnt that large but was definitely limiting my movements by being in my pocket.

Sam's eyes went wide.

"Make sure no one gets their hands on it. And give it to Bucky." I said, seriousness in my voice.

Sam gave me an approving head nod and a small smile.

He took out Redwing and put the book in its compartment.

I patted his shoulder as I passed him, running into the action again.

"You gotta admit, that was some crazy shit though!" He yelled,

I couldn't help but laugh as I ran.

My smile quickly faded as I saw more goons running toward Wanda in the distance.

Not my Wanda,

She was doing pretty damn well by herself, but what type of friend would I be if I let her have all of the fun..

I turned invisible, using the destroyed buildings to grab onto and climb, making my way to some old store shop awning.

I got in my position, a few feet behind where Wanda was blasting people.

Unholstering one of my guns, threw a silencer on it, and taking my shots.

People started dropping like flies.

Whether they were headed towards her, or trying to ambush her, they all ended up hitting the ground.

Just as Wanda turned around to blast another goon, the man drops.

Wanda looks up towards the direction the shot came from, turning to look at me.

I became visible, giving her a little salute and a smirk.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes at me.

"Он здесь." He's here.

Wanda and I's eyes looked in the direction we heard the voice coming from.

"Зимний Солдат, он здесь" The Winter Soldier, he's here.

Instantly, Wanda and I made eye contact.

Without another word, I swung down from the awning, and Wanda and I began running in the direction we saw a few goons running in.

We turned a corner, and Buckys figure a few yards away.

He was surrounded by guys coming at him, he was shooting his guns in both hands.

He had at least 10 guys around him, and more incoming.

Wanda and I began running down the street toward him.

When a few guys appeared out of a building, instantly taking a swing at my head.

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