Chapter 12: Big, Green, And Misunderstood

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I made my way down the many corridors, hearing the team fighting and talking over the comms.

I ran into a few goons in the hallway.

I used the speed of my running, with the tile floor to my advantage.

Running directly toward the two men, dodging bullets like second nature.

I dropped down to my knees, sliding between them, using my baton to swipe under their feet.

Knocking them both to the ground.

I jumped to my feet and turned around, putting a bullet into both of their skulls before they even had time to register that I knocked them on their asses.

I didn't have time for pleasantries.

As I busted through the front doors of the building, I saw the disaster and chaos.

Tony and Sam flying through the air, arrows flying, Cap's shield bouncing off of people.

I looked down at my hand.

I watched it turn invisible.

Yes. I'm back, baby.

As I ran towards the fight, I heard the distant roar of the Hulk.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the green guy yet, Bruce didn't let him out often.

I saw Nat nearby, fighting a few angry-looking dudes.

I disappeared and headed towards her.

Just as she turned her back, one of the guys she knocked down got up.

Picking his gun up and aiming.

I jumped up, wrapped my legs around his neck.

His gun was pointed to the sky when a shot went off.

Using my hands to snap his neck like a glow stick.

Just as the guy hit the ground, Nat turned around to the sound of the gun.

As he hit the ground, my feet did as well.

I turned Visible. Just seconds after Nat turned.

I gave her a devious grin, and in return, she gave me a nod with an "I'm impressed" type of smile.

I needed to get up a little higher, and see what was going on.

As I ran past Nat, I handed her a knife in a holster. As she began pulling the weapon out of its case, I reached into one of my many pockets, pulling out two clips for her gun.

I tucked them into her belt,

"Gotta be more prepared hot stuff." I say with a smirk as I hurry off in the other direction.

And I faintly hear the friendly scoff.

I ran down a small alley. No hostiles.

Just as I was nearing the end of the alley, Hulk came crashing through the building, stumbling into the opposite building's wall.

I've been doing this for a long time, fighting all types of people. Sneaking into places I wasn't supposed to be, stealing important information, and too many shootouts to keep track.

And I have never been so startled.

To my defense, a massive green shirtless creature did just put a body-sized dent into a brick wall.

Hulk had gotten knocked over by a few guys with some massive guns.

He was covering his face with his arm, letting out a few roars. He was in a tight alley, back against a wall, not on his feet, with a couple of assholes shooting him at close range.

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