Chapter 9: Elevator Ride

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Bucky and I continued to exchange little hidden messages and notes for about a week. It was, fun? Exciting?

I swear, I thought my skin was going to permanently change colors with how red in the face I got from just thinking about him.

Honestly, it should be a crime to be so attractive AND charismatic.

I remember Steve told me that Bucky used to be a ladies' man, now I see what he was talking about.

I was watching a movie in my apartment with Wanda and Nat, until my thoughts began drifting, thinking about Bucky. My daydream was way more interesting than any movie could ever be.

My attention only got dragged back when we all got an alert on our various devices and Wanda let out an exaggeratedly long groan.

Wanda and Nat begrudgingly dragged themselves off of my couch and out of my apartment to get their gear.

This would be my first mission since I made Bucky invisible and passed out for 3 days.

Tony even called me 'Sleeping Beauty' now.

He is such a pain in the ass, but who can ever stay mad at that man.

Zipped up my suit, holdered my many weapons. Tiny guns, knives, and the newest addition (thanks to Tony thinking I didn't have any backup item if I lost my guns and knives) a collapsable Batton. It was roughly the size of my thumb. But with one click of a button, boom, 5 ft metal stick.

I've gotten some time to get used to it since I got put on the bench after my 'injury'

As I walked out of my door, turning to close it behind me.

I heard another door open, and my eyes looked down the hallway, shit.

I knew the second I saw that gloved hand pop out from the door.

As Bucky stepped out of his room, closing the door behind him.

He got like a sixth sense, looking down towards my door, where I was standing.

Obviously, he couldn't see me.

But he just smiled and slightly shook his head, then turned around and walked towards the elevator.

I had to use that same elevator and I already knew Steve will be a little mad if I waited for the next one.

I don't want to use too much energy using the stairs.

So, Slowly, I walked after Bucky.

He pressed the button and got in.


He held out his arm through the elevator doors, to keep it from closing.

I tried to fight back the panic that was rushing through my body.

I got on and stood behind him.

He still couldn't see me, I don't know how he knew I got in, but he took his arm out of the door and pressed the floor button. Then put his hands in his pockets.

Jesus Christ. It was only a few floors up to the quinjet but lord, that was the longest elevator ride of my life.

So basically, because I am a big ol' weenie, He and I, both knew we were in the elevator, together. But just pretended we didn't.

And I thought that was awkward enough, but, just as the elevator dinged and opened to the helipad, he did the unexpected.

"Be safe" He said in a low voice, almost a whisper.

Then walked out towards Steve.

I thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head with how wide my eyes were.

My heart was pounding in my chest.

This man might give me a heart attack and kill me, before anyone else has the chance to do it. 

This is a short chapter, I am sorry! BUT! The next chapter, oh boy, it is going to be good.
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