Chapter 31: Different and Alike

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I turned away from him to continue looking back out at the sky.

Bucky didn't move an inch.

Silence filled the air.

Then I felt the couch move, Bucky sitting on the far side of it.

Without looking at him, I continued to talk.

"After I had let you go, they couldn't figure out how you got out. They didn't know it was me, not for sure. But I still received the punishment for it. To set an example. They were furious that they had lost one of their biggest assets."

I took a sip of my tea, my voice remaining even, monotone.

"They kept me alive, but barely. My father wasn't around. Every time they woke me up from cryo, I'd see less and less of him. Until I just stopped seeing him, not in passing, not in a lab. It's not like he ever visited me, or acknowledged me after he got what he needed from me, but this was different. I had assumed he died at some point between me being put on and off of the ice, but I never bothered to ask. But, after a while, the treatment I received was different. I never got favoritism because of who my father was, but after he disappeared, its as if the people who hated him, took it out on me."

I looked down at my tea, feeling the warmth of it in my hands.

"So after you left, it was like tensions boiled over. I can't even begin to describe how bad it was. I knew I had to get out before they killed me. I messed with my power suppressor over time, and once I got it off, I left."

I got up from the couch and walked to the railing of the balcony. Just looking over the entire compound.

"I stayed undetected for about a year. Constantly moving, never staying in one place. I learned about the world that had developed over the past 80 years. I was working for an old friend when they told me. They told me my father wasn't dead."

I looked back up at the sky,

"He had just gone underground. Not being an on-site scientist anymore. He.. he had a facility... He had about 6 kids in the facility. He was trying to make more of me, to give these kids new abilities. Abilities that no one had ever had. He was doing it all over again... Ruining more lives, stealing more childhoods... I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't."

I turned back to face Bucky but leaned against the railing. Looking down at the mug I held in my hand.

"I tracked him down. I watched and waited. He had gotten older, but he used the cryo for himself a few times, so he was still how I remembered him. I saw my opening and I took it.

He had left to go somewhere. I scaled the building and got into his office. I began erasing every ounce of data from his computer, every file he had. Then, I waited. I waited for him to come back. He came back and sat at his computer."

Short Flashback, from our POV: (Bit of clique in this)

I stared at him from the darkness of a corner of his office. He never liked overhead lights on while he worked.

"Hello, Father," I said, stepping out from the darkness, my gun pointed at him.

He stopped what he was doing. His gaze slowly rose to meet mine, then a slow grin spread across his lips.

"I was wondering when you'd show up here." He said, leaning back in his chair casually.

"I won't let you hurt anyone else... it ends here," I said, walking closer to him.

He scoffed like this was all a joke.

"You won't LET me?" He laughed,

"You are just the same scared little girl you were 80 years ago." He said, mocking me.

"You think you are better than me? Everything that I am, everything that I've done," He stood up,

"It's in your blood. It's in your DNA. Everything that I am, you have inside of you." He began walking closer to me. I thought I was prepared for anything he could say, but I wasn't. He was getting inside of my head.

"You may have abilities. But you, you don't have this.." He pointed at his brain.

"You think you are special, well, you aren't. You are just a stupid," He took a step closer,

"Naive," Another step,

"Weak" Another step,

"Little. Girl." He stepped so that my gun was pressing into his chest.

My eyes wide as I looked at him. I felt like I was a little girl again, terrified.

He scoffed,

"All of the blood I have on my hands, you have on yours... Including your mothers."

In that instance, my blood ran cold. All of the fear left my body,

"NO." I stood up straight, taking a step toward him, causing him to take a step back.

"Her blood, that's on your hands." Another step to him, he took another step back.

"I may have your DNA running through my veins, but I also have hers." Another step.

"I'm not better than you, but she was. And you, you've always been a coward. For someone so smart, you are just as dumb as me." Another step.

"No matter how badly you tried to break me, you could never be as strong as she was." Another step, his back hitting his desk.

"I'm not scared of you anymore." I took a step back, away from him.

"But you are right about one thing, We are a lot like.."

He stayed silent,

"Now get on your knees."

He looked horrified, remembering how he had put my mother on her knees before he executed her.

Impatient, I shot his knee. Making him fall to the ground. He yelped in pain, grabbing his leg. He looked up at me, horror written on his face.

"You can't kill me, I'm your father."

I laughed in his face,

"You were never my father." I put the gun to his forehead,

"I'll see you in hell."

Our POV:

"I had my contact some and take those 6 kids, to make sure they got somewhere safe... I went back into the facility and destroyed everything else. Then I set the place on fire, burning everything inside. I didn't try to run, I was done. I was arrested after the fire department arrived to find me watching the building burn. I was 19 when they put me on the raft" I looked back up at Bucky.

"I never wanted to be a hero, but if I could save those kids. Save them from becoming a monster, I'd do it all a thousand times over." 

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