Chapter 16: Happiness

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When I heard that car door slam, I knew what that meant. It was a sound that my mother and I got used to growing up.

He was home, about to suck all of the joy out of the air.

I felt my body instantly tense at the noise.

But I don't think I was prepared to see him standing there.

I looked at him, my father. Just as I remembered him.

Despite not being a child anymore, I felt the fear surge within me. As if I were a kid again.

My jaw tensed.

When my eyes met his dark gaze, the feeling of terror spread through me.

"Y/n. It's Wanda."

I heard faintly as if someone was calling me from down the street.

My instinct was to look in the direction of the voice, but I refused to break eye contact with him. Afraid that if I turn away for even one second, he'd lunge.

He was always fast, impossibly fast. You could blink and he'd be centimeters away.

I refuse to let him get the jump on me.

"He's not there y/n." The same voice said. It was getting louder. No longer seeming to come from a distant direction but from all around.

"He's dead." Wanda. That's Wanda's voice.

This. This is, real.

"He's dead."

I let out the breath I had been holding, allowing myself to relax, blinking away the realization.

I watched as he faded away. Disappearing.

This isn't real.

I looked down at my hands, then at my mother.

She was turned so she was facing me, leaning against the counter.

"I.. was shot," I said slowly.

My mother smiled slightly and nodded her head as if she already knew.

"You're..." I said while trying to blink away the tears forming in my eyes.

"You're not here."

She smiled at me softly and nodded her head.

I let out a breath, leaning my elbows on the kitchen table in front of me, and putting my hands in my hair.

My mother walked over to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.


"Bucky!" I said while shooting up from the seat to my feet. Turning around to face my mother.

"He's doing fine. He's okay." She said while putting her hand on my arm.

Once again, I let out a breath. Closing my eyes to relax for a second.

"He's worried about you though."

My eyes opened wide, looking at her.

He's worried about me.

"He and your friend actually popped in for a little visit a few minutes ago." She said with a smile.


Several hours later:

Just walking with my mother through the hiking paths near our house, I watched her as she walked ahead of me, a bit further down the trail.

Is this what being happy should feel like?

It's... nice.

It's like a warmth spreading through my body.

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