Chapter 8: Surprise

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I fell asleep for the rest of the day, apparently, being unconscious for 3 days is not the same thing as sleeping.

And I was exhausted.

I woke up the next day, it was oddly quiet.

I got dressed in some comfy clothes, wanting to get out of my apartment today.

When I left my bedroom, I expected to see Wanda laying on my couch, like she usually did.

But I didn't.

To my surprise, in her usual spot, was a note propped up on one of my throw pillows.

"Y/n. Had a mission, we'll be back later tonight. -Wanda"

Compound to myself?


It wasnt often that the compound was empty, usually, I would be on the mission too.

But I enjoyed the quiet.

Maybe it's because I can finally let my walls down fully.

But I am going to enjoy every second of this.

I saw a recipe for Red Velvet cupcakes with Creamcheese icing the other day, or well, last week. I keep forgetting I was unconscious for a few days.

But that would be a nice surprise for the team when they get back.

My baking skills might be a little rusty, but I used to bake with my mother all the time when I was young.

I make my way to the kitchen.

It's empty. Just the way I like it.

I pull out my phone and project the recipe onto the tv nearby.

I open the fridge, eying the little whiteboard on the fridge. Tony usually writes passive-aggressive things there like "If you finish the milk, please throw it away, INSTEAD of putting it back in the fridge."

Today's message read "Out of almond milk :(" And I knew it was Nat that was mocking Tony.

It made me giggle to think about one of the world's most deadly assassins drawing a sad face on a whiteboard in regard to dairy-free milk.

I gathered the ingredients but paused as soon as I got the eggs out.

Music, I need music.

I tried to connect my phone to the speaker. I am still pretty new to using electronic that was not related to killing someone. But I picked it up a lot faster than Steve has. He still struggles to open his email.

But I just couldn't see the connection option for this speaker.

I do it with the one in my room all of the time.

I fumbled with my settings for about 5 minutes. I put my phone down and took a deep breath. I am not going to let my relaxing day be messed up because I couldn't figure this out.

Baby steps. I closed my eyes.

"Friday?" I said in barely a whisper.

"Yes?" The AI replied in a similar tone on understanding that she spoke to be in yesterday.

"Can you– Can you play a specific playlist from my Spotify?"

"Of course y/n. What would you like to listen to?"

"Um, Can you play the playlist, 'Personal favs'? Please."

"Coming right up."

The first song started playing and immediately, all of my shyness faded away.

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