Chapter One

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Six years later.

I hold my brother's hand tightly as we make our way through the Green Market. This is a newly opened square, very close to the surface. Mom wants turnips for supper, and none of the other markets have any. The ground is vibrating more than usual, and it's sending everyone into a panic. Especially my brother; even after living for as long as he has, he still hasn't adjusted to the constant rumbles.

"C'mon, Phoenix," I say, tugging him to a safe corner.

"I don't like it!" he cries as I pull him into my arms.

"I know, but you need to stay calm. If we freak out in a big crowd, we'll get separated. Are you brave enough to wait for me right here while I speak to the vegetable merchant?"

I cup his face and look into his brown eyes. He sniffles and nods; he's holding back his louder emotions. I reach into my basket and pull out a baby carrot, putting it into his hands.

"Don't tell Mama, okay."

"She'll be mad if one is missing," Phoenix says, but I shake my head.

"I bartered for a few extra ones. She won't miss this one. Stay put."

I take the basket and make my way to the vegetable stand. An elderly couple is franticly packing up their wares.

"I just need a half-pound of turnips!" I say when I catch the attention of the woman.

"Ain't got any, darling," she replies with a frown. "I's got red and yellow beets and wild corn. Can't grow much else recently."

"Then I take a half-pound of mixed beets and three ears of corn."

The woman moves to one of the packed-up boxes and pulls out a sack of beets. She puts it in my basket as she passes to the section with the corn, and gives me what I asked.

"No charge," she tells me as I am about to give her payment. "I saw you with the young one. Hurry and get home safe. Not safe up here for young people."

"Bless you," I say and hurry to where I left Phoenix. He jumps to his feet when he sees me, and I lead him to the tunnel cars.

"Level-5," I tell the conductor, showing him our car passes.

"Climb on," he says, jumping into the driver's seat. "Your level is my final route for the day. I ain't staying up here no more."

I put my basket into one of the passenger seats and then help Phoenix climb in. Once we are both buckled in, I signal the driver to go.

 Once we are both buckled in, I signal the driver to go

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Mama is waiting at the front door when we arrive.

"Oh thank heavens you're back!" she says, pulling Phoenix into a tight hug. "Inside, quickly!"

I follow her in and shut the door behind us.

"All members accounted for," says the robotic voice over the in-house speaker system. "Night hours in effect. Do not leave until morning hours."

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