Chapter Six

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The moment my alarm sounds, I am out of bed and hurrying to change into my Day Hours uniform. Mama enters my little room with a meal box.

"I thought you might like a meal from home for today," she says, placing the box next to my satchel. "And I wanted to talk to you about Gunner's visit. I understand you know why he was here... but I need to know how you feel about it before giving my consent. Because making such a commitment has its challenges... So, tell me what you think about it."

I nod as she sits on the edge of my bed.

"Well," I say, thinking of the first time I saw Gunner. "I've always had a little crush on him. I think he is hardworking and very aware of the people he cares about... I can see myself making things work with him."

Mama smiles, nodding. "Okay, good. Make sure you talk to him about your terms and what you expect from the Pairing. Don't let him make all the rules. When your father and I decided we wanted to be Paired, I made my terms clear... that is also why we waited to have Phoenix. I wanted to have a younger child when you were old enough to leave home."

I take hold of her hand; Mama has looked away, so I make her meet my gaze."I will always be a message away," I tell her. "I know how you feel about my wish to become a Surface Worker, but if I don't try how will I know if I will truly stay in that position? And making arrangements for Pairings always takes time. I don't think I will be moving out any time soon."

My mother still smiles, but I see the sadness hiding in her eyes.

"Make sure Gunner brings the papers so I can sign my consent," she says, nodding. "I cannot think of anyone better for you to be Paired with. I think Pairings tend to last longer when the two parties share mutual thoughts. And Gunner is very good-looking. Always a perk."

She kisses the side of my head before standing. Before leaving the room, she turns to me and says, "Don't let them keep you through non-work hours. Make sure you take time to rest and send me messages."

"I promise."

As Gunner and I make our way through crowded passageways, he makes a point by holding my hand

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As Gunner and I make our way through crowded passageways, he makes a point by holding my hand. Physical touch with someone who is not a family member is new for me, but his hand is so warm and firm. No one questions the loophole to the proximity rule.

"Here we are," Gunner says when we arrive at his unit. "Notice we are very close to the Level-5 market and the transportation cars?"

"Good location," I say as he unlocks the front door. "It's actually not too far from Mama and Phoenix, that's a plus."

"Wait until you see inside."

He opens the door and offers for me to enter first. The first thing to catch my eye is how big it is, bigger than most habitats on this Level. There is a lot of greenery decorating the corners of the front room, where there is a light blue sofa and tan coffee table. A large area at the back of the living room shows where Night Hour projections take place. Overall, it has a very homey feeling.

"I could live here," I whisper, turning to Gunner. "I like it."

He smiles, "I thought you might, but remember you get to make all the changes you want after the Pairing is made. Speaking of which, your mom mentioned the priority of discussing terms with you. I want you to know your terms take a higher interest than mine."

"Intriguing. Okay, when would you like to discuss it? Mama did mention to me she thinks it should happen before the papers are filed."

Gunner nods, "Then why don't we make time for this during the second week of rotation? I have to submit the papers here since we both live on Level-5. I would like to put them in soon."


The clipboard in my hand feels like it is double the weight of my own body

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The clipboard in my hand feels like it is double the weight of my own body. Watching the other Workers unloading goods is an important role, but it also feels like the kind of job one gets to avoid actual labor. I should be helping the others, not overseeing them. I want to work, not sit on the bench. Whatever the phrase means, I heard it in an old film back in school.

Trainer Hills doesn't explain things to me, but yelling at the other Workers seems to be the norm.

"If you drop it, you pay for it!"

I catch Anise looking at me. Is that an eye roll? I shake my head and glance down at the crate numbers to match the one being unloaded. I look back at the crate, realizing the numbers don't match because there isn't a number 53 on the chart.

"Stop!" I yell, marching to the front of the line. "This crate isn't one of ours. Show me the shipping label."

The Workers set the crate on the ground, giving me a full view of the label. Bend down to read the shipping detail, flipping through the pages on my clipboard.

"Trainer Hills." I straighten as the trainer approaches. "Information does not match the list for this load."

"Happens more often than you'd expect," Trainer Hills replies, pulling out the two-way radio. "Alison, this is Trainer Hills at the loading dock. We have a load meant for another Bunker. Over."

"Trainer Hills, I hear your dilemma. Please standby, over."

"Good eye, Barton."

I'm dismissed with a wave of a hand. As I am trying to return to my post, I catch sight of Gunner. He offers a smile and a wink.

"Continue the line while we wait," I say, holding the clipboard against my chest, list-side inward. I'm just trying to keep my cool; I haven't talked to Anise about the Pairing yet.

The speakers squeak to life as a loud voice says "River Barton and Gunner Westmore, please report to Alison."

Trainer Hills relieves me of my duty and I hurry to follow Gunner toward the control bay. In my mind, I am relaying everything I've done since my arrival, but nothing stands out to give Alison a reason to call me in, let alone Gunner.

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