Chapter Three

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Thank goodness, Anise and Gunner are in my group. And the only person we are not acquainted with is a boy who introduces himself as Bert. Anise has hearts in her eyes, but now I know how she must feel around me when I look at Gunner like that.

"I was expecting a larger group," Bert says, glancing around us. "But I guess they can only send us out at intervals. Given the circumstances."

"Alison renewed my Pass for ten years," I blurt out, unable to keep it to myself. "Sharleen only got five. What does tell you?"

Anise gives me a weird, but thoughtful look.

"That she has to come back in five years for her next renewal," she says, raising an eyebrow.

"No," I say, shaking my head. "It means she's going to work on the Surface for five years and she will never come back. My dad renewed his Surface Pass and died on the expiration date."

I stare at my friend, waiting for her validation. Gunner is the one to catch my same train of thought.

"You think the expiration dates are an actual expiration for the people," he says, lowering his voice. "River..."

"Your dad's death was unfortunate," Anise says, "and a complete coincidence. C'mon, our group is being called."

Bert follows her to the Trainer in front of the Level car. Gunner lingers, watching me.

"It's a theory," he says, walking backward as I start toward the others. "If you believe it is a possibility, you should look into it." 

"Move along! We only have a few hours left in Day Hours."Gunner and I sprint to catch up with the others.

"I will not tolerate puppy love," the Trainer says, looking between me and Gunner. "Not only is it against the rules, but as Surface Workers, you have the priority to serve your Bunker and the Elites. You four have been assigned to the Elite Level."

I've never been to the Elite Level

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I've never been to the Elite Level. The very thought has always felt forbidden. The tunnel car transporting our group is much fancier than any of the regular ones. I am pretty sure I saw gold rims on the tires. The seats must have real leather or something, and I don't even know what real leather feels like.

"Anyone else feeling like your insides are slowly turning really small?" Anise asks, shifting in her seat, which is the row in front of me.

"That sensation you feel is coming from the vibration stabilizers," the Trainer explains, from the front of the car. "You are accustomed to the constant rumbles during Day Hours. Muscle memory is kicking in to maintain a sense of familiarity."

"Is that actually true?" Gunner whispers, leaning close to my left ear.

"Um, I wouldn't even know," I whisper back, shrugging. "Sure, when Night Hours come around, I still have phantom shakes for a few hours before falling asleep. It wears off."

"Trainees, you will refer to me as Trainer Hills. The moment we enter the Elite Level, you will remain in service until the rotation is complete."

"How long is a rotation?" Bert asks; he's sitting beside Anise.

"Three weeks, and you will be living on the Elite Level during that time. Today is just a tour. Tomorrow, you are required to bring your casual wear for when you are not on the clock."

Anise squeaks; she's always wanted to live like the Elites. But me? I can't leave Phoenix and Mom for three weeks. However, as I am mulling over the concept, the transport car leaves the tunnel and enters the brightest, shiniest Bunker Level I have ever seen.

Instead of the usual dark and dreary corners, there's light everywhere. People in glamorous clothing, head-to-toe glimmering outfits to match their surroundings. Green shrubbery stood near every wall and supporting arch.

"Welcome to the Elite Level, Trainees," says Trainer Hills. "Prepare to be eaten alive."

I no longer wonder why the Elites stay in their corners

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I no longer wonder why the Elites stay in their corners. They have everything they need down here and more. On Fifth, we walk everywhere. Down here, they have personal carts and something called a "hoverboard". The younger people are using them more than the elders.

"Our first stop is the supplies dock," Trainer Hills says, as we leave the transport car and walk toward the marque that reads: Supply Dock. For a sign on the Elite Level, it's very dull and plain. No flashy lights, just a white, reflective background with black letters.

"This is where you will do the most physical labor. It is your job to load and unload the cargo elevators. All supplies from the Surface come here first. Whatever is leftover gets sent back up the levels. As your strengths start to show, you will be moved to a different assignment. Get started, Trainees!"

Hard hats, gloves, and reflective vests are passed out. I pull on each item while watching the experienced Workers. They have formed into two lines, with two workers passing crates from inside the elevator. Simple enough.

"River Barton," Trainer Hills says, stopping me from joining the others. "You have ten years on your pass. Alison has assigned you as Supervisor."

"With all due respect," I reply, "because I am really confused."

"What is there to be confused about, Barton? All you have to do is stand there and make sure everyone finishes the load."

"No, I mean why was my Pass renewed for ten years and Sharleen Garth only got five? And why does a ten-year renewal rank me as a Supervisor?"

Trainer Hills is very disinterested in answering my questions. A clipboard and pencil are shoved into my hands as I am pushed in the direction of the Worker-line. Gunner seems pleased about my position. Bert looks pissed, and Anise has already fully immersed herself in moving supply crates from one person to the next.

"Just mark down the crate numbers as they are unloaded," Trainer Hills says before walking away. "Ask Alison your questions at mealtime."

I guess that's what I will have to do.


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