Chapter Two

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"Why do you think Clarissa Delgado would accuse the Elites like that?" my best friend, Anise, asks when I pass by her family's habitat to collect her.

Last night's newscast is the only thing anyone is talking about as I hurry to Surface Training. Five years ago, it became a requirement, giving me full permission to fulfill my dream of becoming a Surface Worker. Mama doesn't like the idea, but she isn't going to fight the System.

"Her job is one of the most stressful and emotionally draining," I say, trying to find some logical explanation. "Not counting Surface Workers and military. Think about it, she is constantly absorbing new updates, and probably spends a lot of time watching the feeds. Maybe she had a mental breakdown."

"Or maybe there is actually something being lied about, Riv. Clarissa Delgado is the first reporter in over a decade the people trust. Why did the signal cut out after she made the accusation?"

"You're asking the wrong person, Anise," I sigh, reaching into my saddle-style bag and bringing out a plastic bag of vegetables. "I know I tend to look for logical reasoning, but last night has everyone dumbfounded. The only way we will know if something is up is if she is replaced at the Night Hour News."

"I guess so."

"All Surface Workers trainees, report to Day Hour orientation on Level 9."

"Level 9?"

Gunner, my long-time crush, joins Anise and me as we make our way to the Level cars.

"Shouldn't they train us nearer the Surface so we are fully adjusted?" he asks, walking backward in front of us.

"Did you not read the pamphlet?" I counter as Anise jabs me in the rib with her elbow. "Orientation is conducted by the Elites. They never come up here, we go down to them."

Gunner rolls his eyes, turning and falling in step with my pace.

"How's Phoenix doing?" he asks, shoving his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants.

"I took him to Green Market," I reply, stepping into the line of waiting for people, in front of Gunner. "Everyone was packing up in a panic, but he did alright."

"And your mom?"

I sigh, "She wouldn't see me off this morning. You know she hates the idea of me becoming a Surface Worker. Even more now that Dad is gone."

A pair of hands rest on my shoulders from behind; I need to keep my cool. The guard at the checkpoint catches my gaze and using her eyes, she motions to close proximity. I pat Gunner's hands; he reluctantly retracts them.

"Be glad it was me watching," the guard says when it's my turn. "After last night's technical issues, security is being tightened."

"Are the Elites anticipating an uprising?" Anise asks; of course, she asks this."I don't have that kind of information. Just what I've said..." she examines my pass and frowns. "River, your pass renewal date is today. Are you going to fix this?"

"I was told I would receive a new one at Orientation."

"Make sure you follow up."

I nod as she hands back the pass and I hurry to claim an empty row in the car. Gunner joins soon after, followed by Anise. The car doesn't move until all the seats are full. I don't everyone by name, but I do recognize several of my fellow-Level mates.

"Gunner, come sit with me!"

I hold back a frown as Sharleen Garth sits in the row in front of ours.

"I'm good here," Gunner replies, and Sharleen scowls before facing forward. And then to me, Gunner whispers, "I want to talk to you when we get a free chance."

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