03: Fear

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A large, metal door opened to a big, dark open room. It had Wooyoung hesitating at the entrance, something shifting in the air that caused his body to react differently. And he wasn't sure what that feeling was, but it sure was unfamiliar.

"I thought I told Seonghwa to leave the lights on." San muttered, stepping away from Wooyoung momentarily as they both became blinded by sudden overhead lights.

When his vision came back, Wooyoung took in the full state of the place. And he had to admit, he was quite shocked at how well it actually looked. Immediately the main area seemed specifically for lounging, since there were a few couches, a large round table, cushions, blankets, and clothes thrown about. There were a few areas that seemed to be for random games, and even a dart board on one of the tall walls. But that was the most innocent, normal looking stuff of everything.

Looking to his left, Wooyoung noticed wired fences with many different types of things on them, enclosing a decent sized area most of the way, leaving one side open. There was a bulletin board with pictures and red markings on them, a dark colored table with other maps, books, loose pages, and even some weapons left lying about on it. Stashes of who knows what in big wooden crates, and what seemed to be empty bags of what Wooyoung could only assume once held blood due to a red residue. Across from him, leading to the right, was an open staircase leading to the second floor, which Wooyoung couldn't tell what it led to from his current position. There was other doors and a hallway on the current level towards the back and right side of the building as well.

San was quiet, simply observing Wooyoung who observed the place he called home. But the vampire also seemed tense.

The hunter and vampire locked eyes for a moment, and it was that moment when another door further in the building opened.

"Oh wow, look who finally showed up." It was Seonghwa, Wooyoung recognized the blonde at least, as he walked out towards the middle of the room. "And you actually brought him here."

"Yeah. Where's Hongjoong?" San seemed to have a mission to accomplish by the manner he spoke in.

Wooyoung didn't know if his mind was looking into things too deeply, but he noticed how San took a few almost unnoticeable steps to the side, as if putting himself between him and Seonghwa. It made Wooyoung question his safety for a moment, if that meant Seonghwa was perhaps more dangerous than he let on earlier, or if the movement was literally nothing at all.

"Not here yet, he'll be back soon." Seonghwa answered, looking straight into Wooyoung's soul.

"I know he's not here, I meant how far away he is." San sighed, running a hand down the side of his face.

Seonghwa's eyes slowly trailed back over to the other vampire. "Maybe like a half hour or so. I don't know, he said he was picking up something else before he came back."

"That's shocking, you always know where he is at all times." San made the sarcastic remark, which visibly didn't sit well with the taller.

Wooyoung was just silently observing the vampires, and still took in some more details around the place as well. Though his priority was the taller of the two vampires.

"You have time if that's what you're getting at." Seonghwa commented, his now bright red eyes trailing back over to Wooyoung. "What are you going to do about him? Cause—"

"I was hoping that you could maybe—"

"I'm not helping you put in a good word." Seonghwa finished his sentence, cutting off San who tried talking over him to begin with. "I don't think it's the brightest idea to of even brought him here. You don't know if he's just acting to get more information on us."

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