25: Official

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Two sets of even breaths filled the dark bedroom. The bonded pair rested peacefully in bed, curled against one another in a comforting and protective way. Only it was just Wooyoung who was fast asleep, San was wide awake staring at the ceiling, fingers gently combing through the smallers hair.

There was a lot on his mind, yet nothing he wanted to talk about aloud. It was mostly good memories, but a lot of troubles lied within them. He reflected on the month or so it's been since Yeosang's hearing appointment, the month of no jobs, no missions, just nothing from the part of his life that he relied on more often than not.

Hongjoong was taking the no jobs thing very seriously now, and no one has left the warehouse for anything sketchy or underground related. Casually, well of course, many of them went out to live life a little, for instance, Mingi and Yunho have gone on quite a few dates, and Yeosang finally got to pick up his drone flying hobby after some time. He was getting used to his newer sense of hearing very well, feeling very comfortable in environments he was hesitant in before since he was unsure if he could hear danger or not.

It was supposed to be a relaxing time, but San hardly thought of it as that. Behind closed doors he heard Hongjoong working endlessly at deciphering the next part of his personal mission, amongst other things he was planning for the future. And even with Wooyoung's brace still on, the hunter was still insistent on training his skills, practicing each and every day with anyone willing. San was proud of how far he's come with his skills, but it worried him at the same time. He didn't want Wooyoung to push himself too far.

He didn't want things Hongjoong warned him of to come true.

Luckily the hunter was still healing despite the training, and San had thankfully completely healed a long while ago. In a way, San wished he could give up some of his healing abilities so Wooyoung could have them instead. It hurt him to see Wooyoung still struggling when the smaller thought he wasn't looking.

There were other things as well, his own problems that he was trying to bury. The group still trying to understand why exactly a group of hunters kept vampires alive, and what that meant for them. Which now that he was thinking of it, Yunho and Mingi must've stopped doing their precautionary rounds on the Lee sisters and friends, since they haven't said anything for a couple weeks. He took that as good news, that the turned vampires were all doing well and not causing any problems.

Then his mind found itself trapped in rage thinking back to that maniacs face that took Wooyoung from him. His hand stopped midway against Wooyoung's scalp, and he must've not realized the grip he was beginning to have, since the hunter started to act like he was waking up.

Snapping himself from his thoughts, he tore his gaze from the ceiling and looked to Wooyoung, who was now looking up at him with groggy eyes.

"What was that for?" Wooyoung grumbled, sass evident even if he literally just woke up. "That hurt."

"I'm sorry sunshine." San was quick to apologize, running his hand gently over Wooyoung's head again. "I didn't mean to."

Wooyoung hummed, readjusting himself so that he was further resting his head on San's chest. His body was practically on top of San's left side, their legs tangled a little under the blankets. The vampire was of course very careful of Wooyoung's brace, and hardly touched it unless if Wooyoung made the first move.

The silence signified that Wooyoung was trying to fall back asleep, so San removed his hand completely from his head and started rubbing his back instead. As his hand trailed from the smallers head, it lingered just a little over the scar that remained on Wooyoung's neck, what remained of the bite mark that almost made him angry all over again. He kept his hand moving, feeling Wooyoung stiffen just a little before relaxing once his hand found a resting place.

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