14: Sector 1

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It was the day that members of Ateez were meant to go to Sector 1. A few weeks had passed since Wooyoung got the brace on his knee, and everyone had to admit he was indeed healing a lot faster than they thought. Yet Hongjoong still wouldn't allow Wooyoung to partake on the plan, claiming that it wasn't happening, and no one was allowed to go.

Wooyoung woke up early that morning, not because he would disobey his leaders words, but because of an extreme anxiousness that came over him. When his eyes scanned around the dark room, he first noticed San standing beside his dresser searching for clothes, he was up even earlier than the hunter.

"What're you doing?" Wooyoung's morning voice rang out in the quiet room, appearing to somehow startle San given the way he jumped upon hearing it.

"Putting clothes on." San replied with a joking tone, looking over his shoulder to see Wooyoung stretch out his limbs, but remain laying in the bed. "I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep, it's early."

"You didn't wake me." Wooyoung muttered, turning onto his side to watch San through the darkness. "And I can't go back to sleep now."

"Why?" San asked as he pulled his night shirt off his head, pulling the new one on after fiddling with it for a few moments. Luckily, he already changed his pants before Wooyoung woke up.

Wooyoung felt his face grow red, realizing what his train of thought led him to.

The silence had San completely turning back around, shuffling over to the bed to crouch beside it. With a gentle hand he brushed some of Wooyoung's hair to the side, smiling gently before standing and taking some backwards steps. Even if Wooyoung felt half asleep, he still noticed the sense of urgency in San's steps.

"I can't sleep without you next to me." Wooyoung admitted with a voice so quiet the silence seemed louder than it.

San felt his heart skip a beat.

The two looked into one another's eyes, watching how they sparkled in the small hints of moonlight coming through the blinds.

"Wooyoung...as much as I'd love to come back to bed I can't." San sounded so defeated with his words, his features turned downwards.

"Why?" While Wooyoung still sounded tired, that came out as a snap. "Are you going to—"

"No, you know we aren't going." San cut off gently, trying to keep the volume down and atmosphere calm.

San gave his explanation with a single action. His eyes glowed a mid-tone red, just slightly on the darker side.

"I need to drink, and I don't want to risk being so close to you while I'm like this. Last night was even a bit of a stretch." San said softly, showing a smile that washed away Wooyoung's worries. "Go back to sleep, I'll be back by the time you wake up."

Wooyoung pouted. He actually pouted.

Turning onto his back, his gaze remained trained on the vampire, making him look pitiful. He didn't know what he was thinking acting like this, hell that's if he even was thinking with his sleepy mind. That look on his face made it very difficult for San to leave.

A heavy sigh came from the blonde, a hand trailing down the side of his face.

"Fine. I'll go get one of those damn blood bags so I don't have to leave." San groaned, turning on his heels to put his plan to action before he had time to change his mind.

Wooyoung smiled to himself as San left. His eyes trailed to the ceiling where he depicted strange patterns in the dark. Reality crashed moments before, yet for some reason he didn't seem to care. It was dangerous, deep down he knew that. He was putting himself at risk by acting like this. The cage around his heart rattled far too often.

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