20: By Your Side

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Being in the safety of the vehicle, but more importantly in the safety of San's arms, Wooyoung completely broke down. They sat in the backseat together, Wooyoung completely curling in on San, their seatbelts long forgotten about. Seonghwa was silently driving, ensuring their safety, but also trying to give them both much needed space. He knew he would never understand what they just went through as a bonded pair, even if he has felt immense fear and heartache before.

Painstaking sobs emitted from Wooyoung, and all San could do was hold him tight in his arms and whisper small phrases of reassurance. He was careful on where to touch and how tight, but Wooyoung didn't seem to really care. He had his arms around San's middle, face pressed into his chest. To play it safe San kept an arm around his waist, to prevent from from flying forward if there were to be a sudden stop, and the other resting on the back of his head, fingers running through his purple hair.

That continued for some time until Wooyoung had no more tears left to cry. At that point he just breathed heavily, closing his eyes tight as he clung to San even tighter. San listened to his heartbeat and breathing pattern, hoping it would even out enough for the smaller to calm down and perhaps just get some sleep.

Of course there were hundreds of questions waiting to be asked from everyone. When those could be answered wasn't clear.

"I'm going to call Hongjoong to let him know we're coming back with Wooyoung." Seonghwa announced softly, hand already messing with his phone while the other was on the wheel. "Okay?"

"Yeah." San replied with a sigh, glancing at the older for just a moment. He retuned his vision to the smaller, feeling himself frown even more. Wooyoung had moved away just slightly, enough to allow him to look up into San's eyes.

They just stared at one another, listening to Seonghwa in the background making the brief phone call. They weren't really paying attention to that, just caught up in one another's world. Something seemed to snap in Wooyoung, he perked up and backed away just a little more, looking down at San's body.

"Are you okay? How were you even walking?" Wooyoung quickly let out the words in a panicked whisper, fearful that clinging to the vampire the way he was only hurt him somehow.

There was a look on San's face, an expression that showed numerous things. He was heartbroken Wooyoung cared more about him than himself, yet at the same time appreciative of the idea. Saddened that things got to this point, but so glad that they were with each other once more.

"I'm okay, trust me." San reassured, reaching a hand up again to cup Wooyoung's face delicately. "There was some kind of venom or whatever in the bullets, but when it wore off I was fine and managed to call for help. Yeosang patched me up pretty well and I drank some blood that it helped me heal completely."

"Are you telling me the whole truth?" Wooyoung narrowed his eyes slightly, pouting.

San visibly hesitated.

"I think he'll tell you everything later." Seonghwa interjected, looking at them through the rear view mirror. "Nothing against you Wooyoung, but it'd probably just be better when everyone's emotions aren't so high."

The hunter sighed, leaning his head onto San's shoulder. He winced at the pain in his neck, moving his hand to rub it. He felt the indentation of the bite mark against his skin, which made him feel uncomfortable all over again.

"I'm sorry." Wooyoung apologized, looking up at San once more.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" San kind of snapped, his voice still gentle, but that definitely wasn't something he wanted to hear.

"For being such a baby." Wooyoung stated with a dry laugh, lowering his eyes. "For being a burden."

"Hey, no." San said sternly, turning a bit to his side so he and Wooyoung could face one another. Despite his voice, his hands were gentle when they held Wooyoung's face, thumbs trailing over the dried tear streaks on his cheeks. "You do not get to apologize for something like that, because there is no reason to. You're allowed to cry and you are in no way a burden." He paused taking in a deep breath. "If anyone should be apologizing it should be me. I didn't protect you, and there's no excuse. I didn't even know we were in danger, and I let you get taken from me. So I am more than sorry that I let that happen to you."

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