34: Wash It Away

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As soon as the team got inside their home, it was like a weight lifted off their shoulders. While there was still plenty weighing them down, they at least temporarily felt at ease. They didn't even take off any of their equipment, everyone going straight to the couches to crash. Yunho being the only one to sit on the floor, since his lower half was in decent enough condition for him to do so, sitting in front of where Mingi sat, resting his back very gently against his lovers legs.

All except for Wooyoung who didn't go for the couches, instead went straight into the kitchen. He didn't hesitate, opening the fridge he never touched before, being met with a plentiful supply of stored blood. Reaching in, he grabbed seven bags worth, ensuring nothing was labeled a specific way. He didn't want to get in trouble for messing something up when he was just trying to help out.

Returning to the living space, Wooyoung distributed the bags without a word. He smiled or nodded when someone thanked him, but that was about it. After handing out everything, he turned back to the kitchen with the intent of taking care of himself. It's been too long since he last ate anything, not to mention he's had his blood taken twice within a twenty-four hour period, so he really needed to get anything in his system. The thing is, anything he looked at didn't seem appealing in the slightest.

Just pick up anything damnit. If not for me, for San. He'd get upset otherwise. Yeah...just enough to appease him.

Oh who am I kidding, he'd probably find a way to scold me regardless.

Realizing he couldn't come to a decision, Wooyoung blindly grabbed a few snackier food items, primarily focusing on water instead for the time being. Looking at the couple of bottles in his arms made him realize he did feel pretty dehydrated, a subtle headache emerging at the back of his head.

He let out a heavy sigh as he exited the kitchen, gaining some of the vampires attention. Most of them though were either lost in their own worlds, or sat with their eyes closed, heads resting on the back of the couch. San watched as Wooyoung approached, frowning at the things his boyfriend had in his hands.

"I can try making you actual—"

"It's okay San." Wooyoung cut off, forcing a smile. He placed his things down on the coffee table, hesitating to sit down.

He felt a tightness in his chest as his mind processed a heavier weight at his sides, when in reality there was no change in the slightest. His eyes trailed across all of the others, then down to his hands still slightly stained red.

With very quick steps Wooyoung rushed over to where the weapons were normally stored. In equally as fast movements, he disarmed himself of the weapons he was carrying, leaving them resting on top of San's crate. His knife and gun no longer looked the same to him, what were just precautionary weapons of defense were now actually stained with the blood of the dead. They became a whole lot more real now.

While it wasn't necessary by any means, Wooyoung patted the air a few times, as if telling the inanimate objects to stay where they were. His hands shook slightly with the action, balling into fists at his side, trying to hide it as he approached the others again.

By no means does he regret what he did.

But that doesn't mean he can just accept it so easily either.

Returning to the seating area, Wooyoung once again trailed his eyes across the people he cares about the most. On the couch facing the direction of the kitchen was San, Jongho, and Yeosang in the rightmost spot. On the other was Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and Mingi, with Yunho sitting in front of him with his legs outstretched to the right, since the coffee table provided limited space for his size.

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