18: The Unexpected

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After a couple of hours of driving in the dark, mostly on unmarked roads and back ways, San finally put the car in park in front of a large, worn down building. Wooyoung thought the size was comparable to the warehouse Ateez is located at, only to be told it was essentially twice the size, the rest just couldn't be seen in the dark. The clouds covering the moon did not help with the eeriness the building gave off.

"It looks like no one's been here in years." Wooyoung muttered, unmoving from his place, not even taking his seat belt off, staring at the nearest wall covered in moss, vines, and other kinds of foliage. His eyes trailed towards the top, there there was a gaping hole where the wall and roof should've met.

"I would think so, the people that used to inhabit this place were killed off by hunters a long time ago." San explained, fingers drumming on the steering wheel, he seemed to be thinking. Wooyoung tore his eyes from the building, looking to the vampire for more information. "The vampires that used to be here weren't quiet about their illegal doings, for some stupid ass reason. It was easy for hunters to track them down and blow this place up, and kill anyone else in the vicinity. The thing is, there is bound to still plenty of undamaged things inside, since other vampire groups find it taboo to step foot around here."

"Oh that's lovely, I'm so glad we're here." Wooyoung replied sarcastically, looking ahead again with a nasty look.

"I guess that would've been useful information for you to know." San said hesitantly, the words coming out slow at a low volume. "But don't worry! No one's been spotted around here for a long time. And we're just going in, locating where they stored their weapon parts, grabbing what we can, and getting out."

"I know the plan." Wooyoung rolled his eyes, letting out a heavy breath and opened the car door. San followed after him, them both stepping out at the same time and locking eyes over the top of the car. "You just made me even more paranoid. And who's to say humans haven't been around here and took things? Or hell even hunters might've taken things you might not have expected them to."

San stared at Wooyoung for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "That's a risk we're taking being here. We're banking on the idea that no one figured out about this place, or other vampires remained too scared to come here. If we get in and its completely ransacked then I guess we're going to have to find some other place to look through or people to barter with for parts."

A long breath came through Wooyoung's nose. He didn't have anything else to say about that, so he turned his attention back to the rotting building.

"I didn't bring a flashlight." Wooyoung stated, crossing his arms over his chest. "There's no way I could see in there when I can hardly see out here."

"Oh, yeah, I have one packed. Let me get it." San quickly went to the back of the car, popping the trunk to rummage through the backpacks he brought.

Wooyoung waited for a few moments, still looking towards the building. When he heard his name called out he turned his attention to San, where he quickly brought his arms up to catch the flashlight that was tossed in his direction. San had his own in hand, closing the trunk and checking to ensure it worked. The hunter did the same, turning the flashlight on and finding the light it provided to be satisfactory.

"Ready?" San was now at his side, asking the question with a tight smile.

"Sure." Wooyoung responded, hardly any expression showed on his face by this point.

Ready as I'll ever be.

Leaves and dead grass crunched underneath the pairs feet as they made their way towards the building. It was strange, as they approached the building the air almost seemed to of gotten colder. Before by the car Wooyoung didn't see, or at least didn't pay attention to, his own breath leaving his mouth, but now it was clear whenever he exhaled. The same went with San, who even as a vampire felt a bit more of a chill to the air.

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