1》 Riolu

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First of all, Happy Holi to all of you. May this Holi bring colors of happiness, joy and positivity in your and your families lives and would remove all the negativity and sadness.

Once Again Happy Holi to all of you


Well before you read the chapter if you have not read the characters then do read them first. So, without any more delay here is the first chapter.

We can see a young boy named Ash Ketchum with his buddy Pikachu on his shoulder walking through Viridian Forest after returning from Unova.

"Buddy it's been a while since we have seen mom", Ash said to his trusted partner.

" pika " {yes} Pikachu replied.

"You know what after ending our journeys through different regions we are able to see mom, but it's been years since I last saw my dad ", Ash said sadly.

" Pika pika pi pika chu " {it's the first time I heard you speak about your dad} Pikachu said while looking at his trainer who is looking sad.

" I was 6 when dad left on a journey, and I had not seen him since. I miss him but ", Ash was saying but got interrupted by a voice of a Pokémon.

Both Ash and Pikachu looked at each other and without a second thought ran towards the voice. When they reached there, they saw a Riolu being chased by a flock of Spearow with Fearow as its leader. As Ash can't see any Pokémon in pain so he decides to save the Riolu.

" Pikachu use Thunderbolt on that Fearow ", Ash commanded his trusted partner.

As soon as Fearow heard the sound he tilts his head towards that direction and his eyes widened by seeing a familiar person standing there. His eyes got red with anger as he was the same trainer who threw a rock at him.

Meanwhile Pikachu launched a Thunderbolt towards its direction, and it was a direct hit and super effective as well. Fearow lead a battling cry and all Spearow who were chasing Riolu stopped and started to head towards Ash to land an attack on him.

Seeing this Ash again ordered Pikachu to use Thunderbolt but since they were surrounded by so many of them, the thunderbolt did not land on all of them. When a Spearow was about to launch Fury Attack on ash, a sudden Aura Sphere knocked the Spearow down. Ash looked towards the direction from which the Aura Sphere came and saw a tired Riolu trying to stay on its feet.

Ash knew that they were outnumbered so he thought of using all his Pokémon but before he could he heard another cry which seemed to alert the flock of Spearow and the Fearow. Suddenly a giant Twister landed on the Fearow and many Gust attacks were launched towards the Spearows. Ash looked up to see a flock of Pidgey, Pidgeoto and Pidgeot attacking the Fearow and its flock. He saw a large Pidgeot attacking the Fearow as the two engaged in a fight.

Ash ordered Pikachu to keep on attacking Spearows with Thunderbolt meanwhile he went to Riolu who got fainted after being attacked by a Spearow. He picked Riolu in his arms and came back beside Pikachu.

The fight was going on for 20 minutes now and it seemed like the flock of Pidgey line was winning, seeing this Ash paid attention to the battle between Pidgeot and Fearow. Fearow launched a Drill Peck which was countered by Peck, Fearow then went for a Sky Attack which was countered by Brave Bird from Pidgeot.

It was a stalemate situation for both sides. It was at that moment Ash looked at Pidgeot and it seems like Pidgeot got an idea. He used Double Team which confused the Fearow and then went for a Steel Wing at his full power which was a direct hit and without wasting any time the Pidgeot then used Twister which knocked down the Fearow . All the Spearow when saw their leader knocked out fled away from there. Ash saw that and decided to thank the Pidgeot for helping them.

" Hey Pidgeot thanks for helping us ", Ash thanked the Pidgeot with a smile.

When Pidgeot heard the familiar voice his eyes brim with tears as he saw the person standing there, without wasting any moment he hugged Ash startling him. After some seconds an idea stuck his mind

" Pidgeot is that really you?? ", Ash asked the flying Pokémon with hope in his eyes.

Pidgeot nodded in yes and hugged his trainer again which Ash gladly returned. After separating from hug Ash looked at Pidgeot with tears in his eyes as well.

" I am sorry Pidgeot , I forgot my promise and never came to take you back after my adventures on Orange Islands ", Ash said in a guilty tone.

Pidgeot shook his head as if saying 'don't worry I forgive you '.

Suddenly Pidgeot pointed to one of Ash's Pokeball which caught his attention.

" Wait are you saying that you still want to come back with me ", Ash asked surprised by what Pidgeot said.

" Pidgaw " {yes} Pidgeot replied.

" But Pidgeot what about your flock, that Fearow can attack them again as well ", Ash asked in a sincere tone as he don't want that his Pokémon's flock would remain unprotected.

" Pidgaw Pidgaw " {don't worry they are capable of protecting themselves} Pidgeot replied looking at his flock.

" Are you saying that they can take care of themselves now since many Pidgeoto have evolved into Pidgeot so there is no need to worry ", Ash asked.

Pidgeot nodded in yes and said goodbye to his flock who were happy that their leader got reunited with his trainer. Although they were sad, they have to say goodbye, but they knew that one day he has to return back to his trainer.

" Pidgeot I currently have six Pokémon with me so mind giving me a lift to Professor Oak's lab like old times since Riolu is injured and Pikachu is also tired", Ash asked his first flying type Pokémon while looking at an unconscious Riolu whom he had laid on the ground after Fearow returned back along with his flock. Pikachu who was standing beside Riolu was also breathing heavily.

Seeing this Pidgeot understood what Ash meant he agreed that he would carry them to Professor Oak's lab. Ash took Riolu in his hands and sat on Pidgeot's back. Pikachu after greeting Pidgeot sat on his trainer's shoulder.

Pidgeot then took flight towards professor's lab with full speed as sun was about to set. After few minutes they reached at the lab and thanking Pidgeot for the ride Ash ran inside the lab.

" Professor please open the door, it's an emergency ", Ash said while ringing the doorbell.

Listening ash's voice professor hurriedly open the door and saw an injured Riolu in his hands.

" Ash my boy, what happened ", Professor asked worriedly.

" Professor long story I will explain later but first we have to treat Riolu, and Pikachu also needs to recover as he is also tired ", Ash said while looking at Riolu and Pikachu.

Sensing the situation Oak nodded his head and took an unconscious Riolu from Ash's hands and started examining and treating him. He also gave a Lum berry to Pikachu to help him recover. After half an hour he told ash that Riolu is fine now and after some rest he would be fit and fine. Ash thanked professor and took Riolu in his arms and Pikachu jumped on his shoulder.

Ash made his way towards Professor Oak's ranch where he released his Unova Pokémon and told them to take a nice long rest at the ranch. Although his Unova Pokémon were curious at seeing a Riolu in the hands of their trainer, but they didn't question him.

After that Ash took Pidgeot's old Pokeball and went to him. There he caught Pidgeot again and then made his way back towards his home not before explaining all the events of today to Professor Oak.

When Ash reached home, he yelled as soon as he opens the door of his house.

" Mom I'm home ", Ash yelled with excitement of seeing his mom again.


Well, that's it for the first part. This was my first time in writing a battle scene and in fact a whole chapter on Pokémon so sorry if I made a mistake or the part was not great. And also sorry for short part. But promise that next part would be longer than this one and would be uploaded by Saturday.

Word Count: - 1.4k

Thanks For reading and giving a chance to my story!

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